563 Italian Last Names (With Meanings) - Listophile (2024)

Italy is a land of history, art, and passion. It is a nation shaped by its regions, ancient civilizations, and the Mediterranean. Italians are known for their warmth, creativity, dedication, and pride, and our list of the most common Italian last names is a testament to Italy’s beautiful people and country.

What are Italian Last Names?

Italian surnames reflect the history of the Latin language and the Roman Empire. Common themes in Italian surnames are occupations, beauty, strength and geographic surnames denoting one’s family origins. As Italians and their culture have migrated throughout the world, so too have their surnames. For example, common American Italian last names include Franco, Russo, Rosa, and Marino. Unique American Italian last names include Coppola, Falco, Ferrari, Fiore, and Santoro.

Italian last names are unique due to their enduring connection to Latin. Italian is a language that comes from Latin. Many Italian surnames do not have an easily found translation because they are descended from Latin words rather than modern Italian. Nevertheless, the character of a surname can still be understood, particularly by those familiar with Romance languages. Religion was a significant force in Italian culture; the Catholic Church’s capital resides in the Vatican, Rome. This is reflected in the surnames that refer to religious figures. On this page is our comprehensive listing of Italian surnames followed by surnames by theme, perfect for those who want to learn more about the surnames that reflect this important and dynamic culture.

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Top 100 Italian Last Names

Our list of the most common Italian surnames is an excellent place to start your search. These surnames are found throughout Italy and are typically shared by many individuals, reflecting the common heritage of many Italian families. Common Italian last names often have simple meanings derived from common words or occupations.

  1. Rossi – Red
  2. Russo – Russian
  3. Ferrari – Blacksmith
  4. Esposito – Exposed, Foundling
  5. Colombo – Dove
  6. Bianchi – White
  7. Romano – Roman
  8. Ricci – Curly-haired
  9. Gallo – Rooster
  10. Dal – From
  11. Bruno – Brown-haired
  12. Conti – Count
  13. De Luca – From Luca
  14. Moretti – Moorish
  15. Mancini – Left-handed
  16. Costa – Coast
  17. Giordano – Jordan
  18. Rizzo – Curly
  19. Lombardi – Lombard
  20. Barbieri – Barber
  21. Greco – Greek
  22. Marino – Mariner
  23. Fontana – Fountain
  24. Mariani – Mary’s
  25. Caruso – Dear, Precious
  26. Galli – Rooster
  27. Ferrara – From Ferrara
  28. Santoro – Saint
  29. Rinaldi – From Renaldo
  30. Longo – Tall
  31. Villa – Village
  32. Sala – Hall
  33. Leone – Lion
  34. Martini – Son of Martin
  35. Dalla – From the
  36. D’Angelo – Of the Angel
  37. Bianco – White
  38. Martinelli – Little Martin
  39. Gatti – Cats
  40. Vitale – Life
  41. Serra – Mountain
  42. Coppola – Hat
  43. Gentile – Noble
  44. Cattaneo – Coat of Arms
  45. Ferri – Iron
  46. Messina – From Messina
  47. Monti – Mountains
  48. Marchetti – Little Marcus
  49. Marini – Marine
  50. Fabbri – Smiths
  51. Ferraro – Blacksmith
  52. Lombardo – Lombard
  53. Testa – Head
  54. de Santis – Of the Saints
  55. Grasso – Fat
  56. Parisi – Parisian
  57. Amato – Beloved
  58. de Angelis – Of the Angels
  59. Pellegrini – Pilgrims
  60. Riva – Bank
  61. Grassi – Fat
  62. Palumbo – Dove
  63. Conte – Count
  64. Morelli – Brown-haired
  65. Brambilla – Blackberry
  66. Sanna – Healthy
  67. Farina – Flour
  68. Benedetti – Blessed
  69. Pellegrino – Pilgrim
  70. Valentini – Little Valentinus
  71. Rizzi – Curly
  72. Franco – Free
  73. Caputo – Bald
  74. Carbone – Coal
  75. Fiore – Flower
  76. de Rosa – Of the Rose
  77. Barone – Baron
  78. D’Amico – Of the Friend
  79. Mazza – Club
  80. Silvestri – Of the Forest
  81. Martino – Little Martin
  82. Bernardi – Brave as a Bear
  83. Rossetti – Little Red
  84. Palmieri – Palm Trees
  85. Giuliani – Youthful
  86. Orlando – Famous throughout the Land
  87. Piras – Fisherman
  88. Locatelli – From the Place
  89. Basile – Royal
  90. Castelli – Castle
  91. Pagano – Pagan
  92. Ruggiero – Famous Warrior
  93. Sorrentino – From Sorrento
  94. Pozzi – Wells
  95. Romeo – Pilgrim to Rome
  96. Bellini – Beautiful
  97. Montanari – Mountain Dweller
  98. Fumagalli – Smoke and Hail
  99. Poli – Polite
  100. Rota – Wheel

Unique Italian Last Names

These unique Italian last names are distinctive and cool. They have a one-of-a-kind quality that sets them apart from more common surnames.

  1. Angelini – Little Angels
  2. Bassi – Low
  3. Benvenuti – Welcome
  4. Beretta – Little Bear
  5. Bruni – Brown-haired
  6. Calabrese – From Calabria
  7. Carta – Paper
  8. Castellano – Castle
  9. Catalano – Catalan
  10. Cavallo – Horse
  11. Clemente – Clement
  12. Corti – Short
  13. Costantini – Constant
  14. Costanzo – Steadfast
  15. D’Agostino – Of August
  16. D’Alessandro – Of Alexander
  17. D’Ambrosio – Of Ambrose
  18. de Marco – Of Mark
  19. de Simone – Of Simon
  20. de Stefano – Of Stephen
  21. di Stefano – Of Stephen
  22. Donati – Gifted
  23. Donato – Given
  24. Falco – Falcon
  25. Falcone – Falcon
  26. Fazio – Bee
  27. Ferrero – Blacksmith
  28. Ferro – Iron
  29. Forte – Strong
  30. Fusco – Dark
  31. Garofalo – Clove
  32. Giorgi – George
  33. Graziano – Gracious
  34. Grimaldi – Bald
  35. Leonardi – Lion-like
  36. Magnani – Great
  37. Mancuso – One-ankled
  38. Mantovani – From Mantua
  39. Manzo – Calf
  40. Marchi – Little Marcus
  41. Marinelli – Little Marine
  42. Mauro – Dark-skinned
  43. Milani – Milanese
  44. Molinari – Miller
  45. Monaco – Monk
  46. Napolitano – From Naples
  47. Negri – Black
  48. Olivieri – Olive Tree
  49. Palermo – From Palermo
  50. Pepe – Joseph
  51. Perrone – Big Rock
  52. Piazza – Square
  53. Pinna – Feather
  54. Proietti – Projector
  55. Randazzo – Place Name
  56. Rosa – Rose
  57. Rosso – Red
  58. Ruggeri – Reddish
  59. Santini – Little Saint
  60. Santucci – Little Saint
  61. Sartori – Tailor
  62. Spinelli – Little Thorn
  63. Toscano – Tuscan
  64. Valenti – Valiant
  65. Ventura – Adventure
  66. Vitali – Life
  67. Volpe – Fox
  68. Zanetti – Son of John

Cool Italian Last Names

These cool Italian last names sound like they’re spoken in Italy’s hottest cafes and striking yachts. They have a stylish and modern sound, making them appealing and trendy.

  1. Andretti – Man, Warrior
  2. Bosco – Woods, Forest
  3. Campanella – Little Bell
  4. Cortese – Courteous
  5. Cuomo – Master
  6. Fantini – Little Children
  7. Filippi – Son of Philip
  8. Gioia – Joy
  9. Graziani – Son of Graziano
  10. Grillo – Cricket
  11. Ippolito – Horse Enthusiast
  12. Izzo – Little Bird
  13. Lanza – Spear
  14. La Rocca – The Fortress or Rock
  15. Leoni – Lions
  16. Luongo – Long
  17. Maggi – Little Magus
  18. Marconi – Son of Marcus
  19. Marotta – Little Mary
  20. Martelli – Little Hammer
  21. Mazzola – Mace, club
  22. Moroni – Son of Morone
  23. Mosca – Fly
  24. Pace – Peace
  25. Porta – Door
  26. Pucci – Little Fist
  27. Rocca – Rock
  28. Rocco – Rock
  29. Rosati – Rosy
  30. Sabatino – Sabbath
  31. Sasso – Stone
  32. Simonetti – Little Simon
  33. Sorrenti – From Sorrento
  34. Stella – Star
  35. Tomasi – Twin
  36. Venturelli – Little Adventurer
  37. Vinci – Conquer
  38. Vitto – Victor
  39. Zago – Pole

Fancy Italian Last Names

Fancy Italian last names are elegant and refined and reflect a historical connection to nobility or higher social status. These surnames convey a sense of class and sophistication.

  1. Ambrosio – Divine
  2. Bartolini – Son of Bartolo
  3. Bianchini – Little White
  4. Capuano – Capuan
  5. Carboni – Carbon
  6. Carlucci – Little Carl
  7. Casagrande – Big House
  8. Cataldo – Pure
  9. Clerici – Cleric
  10. de Marchi – Of the Fields
  11. di Marco – Of Mark
  12. di Palma – Of the Palm
  13. Florio – Flower
  14. Giuliano – Youthful
  15. Granata – Pomegranate
  16. Lorenzi – Son of Lorenzo
  17. Lorenzini – Little Lorenzo
  18. Luciani – Light
  19. Maggioni – Little Magus
  20. Marchese – Marquis
  21. Nicoletti – Little Nicholas
  22. Oliva – Olive
  23. Pacini – Little Peace
  24. Paoletti – Little Paul
  25. Sabatini – Sabbath
  26. Salvadori – Savior
  27. Sanfilippo – Saint Philip
  28. Serafini – Seraphim
  29. Spina – Thorn
  30. Tagliabue – Ox Cutter
  31. Venturini – Little Adventurer
  32. Veronesi – From Verona
  33. Vianello – Little Vian

Pretty Italian Last Names

Qualities of Italian surnames are timeless elegance and sensuality. These Italian last names are melodious and pleasing to the ear, often evoking a sense of beauty and grace.

  1. Angeli – Angels
  2. Bellucci – Beautiful
  3. Bucci – Little Buck
  4. Cappelletti – Little Hat
  5. Corsini – Corsican
  6. D’Amore – Of Love
  7. de Lucia – Of Light
  8. di Francesco – Of Francis
  9. di Matteo – Of Matthew
  10. Federici – Peaceful Ruler
  11. Felici – Happy
  12. Fortunato – Fortunate
  13. Gabrielli – God is My Strength
  14. Gagliardi – Strong
  15. Gentili – Noble
  16. Giacomelli – Little James
  17. Giovannini – Little John
  18. La Rosa – The Rose
  19. Liguori – Worshipful
  20. Marchesi – Marquises
  21. Marin – Marine
  22. Mariotti – Little Mario
  23. Marra – Sorrel
  24. Masiero – Mason
  25. Micheli – Little Michael
  26. Morini – Mulberry
  27. Natali – Christmas
  28. Palma – Palm
  29. Paolini – Little Paul
  30. Paris – Parisian
  31. Pesce – Fish
  32. Pizzi – Little Points
  33. Renzi – From Laurentum
  34. Repetto – Repeat
  35. Santi – Saints
  36. Scotti – Scottish
  37. Verde – Green
  38. Vigano – From Viganò

Badass Italian Last Names

Badass Italian last names typically have a strong and powerful sound, conveying a sense of toughness or resilience. These surnames are associated with strength and tenacity.

  1. Agostini – Augustine
  2. Baroni – Barons
  3. Bartoli – Son of Bartolo
  4. Belli – Beautiful
  5. Bossi – Woodlands
  6. Capone – Big
  7. Cipriani – Son of Cipriano
  8. Corradi – Son of Corrado
  9. Evangelista – Evangelist
  10. Franceschini – Little Francesco
  11. Franchini – Little Francesco
  12. Galbiati – Son of Galbiato
  13. Giordani – Son of Giordano
  14. Girardi – Spear Ruler
  15. Grande – Big
  16. Guerra – War
  17. Guerrini – Little Warrior
  18. Guglielmi – Son of Guglielmo
  19. Guida – Guide
  20. Manfredi – Peaceful Strength
  21. Manzoni – Son of Manzone
  22. Masi – Farms
  23. Morabito – Son of Morabito
  24. Murgia – Moor
  25. Raimondi – Little Raymond
  26. Ratti – Rats
  27. Riccio – Curly
  28. Rubino – Ruby
  29. Sarti – Tailor
  30. Semeraro – Sow Herdsman
  31. Siciliano – Sicilian
  32. Spada – Sword
  33. Speranza – Hope
  34. Vassallo – Vassal
  35. Zito – Little Zeal

Rich Italian Last Names

Rich Italian last names may reflect a family’s historical wealth or social status, often exuding an aura of prosperity and affluence. These surnames are symbols of financial success.

  1. Amoroso – Loving
  2. Bandini – Little Flag
  3. Belloni – Big and Beautiful
  4. Bertoni – Son of Berto
  5. Bevilacqua – Drink Water
  6. Bonetti – Little Good
  7. Boscolo – Small Woods
  8. Brunetti – Little Brown
  9. Cardinali – Cardinal
  10. de Martino – Of Martin
  11. Federico – Peaceful Ruler
  12. Gambino – Little Warrior
  13. Gandolfi – Wolf Spear
  14. Gasparini – Son of Gaspare
  15. Ghezzi – Horse Trader
  16. Giunta – Arrival
  17. Grandi – Big
  18. Grosso – Big
  19. Lentini – Little Lion
  20. Longhi – Long
  21. Magni – Great
  22. Magri – Thin
  23. Mazzoleni – Son of Mazzolino
  24. Mazzoni – Son of Mazzono
  25. Milano – From Milan
  26. Molteni – Son of Molteno
  27. Morello – Dark-haired
  28. Puglisi – From Puglia
  29. Redaelli – Son of Reda
  30. Romagnoli – From Romagna
  31. Sessa – Seat
  32. Stefanelli – Little Stephen
  33. Zanotti – Son of Zanotto

Beautiful Italian Last Names

Beautiful Italian last names have an aesthetically pleasing and harmonious sound that adds to their charm. These surnames are known for their sheer beauty and elegance.

  1. Arrigoni – Son of Arrigo
  2. Barbero – Barber
  3. Bettini – Little Bettino
  4. Carnevale – Carnival
  5. Castellani – Castle Dweller
  6. Catania – From Catania
  7. Cavaliere – Knight
  8. Costantino – Constant
  9. D’Andrea – Son of Andrea
  10. di Pasquale – Of Pasquale
  11. Elia – Elijah
  12. Fanelli – Little Fan
  13. Fedele – Faithful
  14. Festa – Festival
  15. Filippini – Little Philip
  16. Fioravanti – Flower in Advance
  17. Fiori – Flower
  18. Giannini – Little John
  19. Marelli – Son of Marello
  20. Mazzei – Son of Mazzeo
  21. Merlo – Blackbird
  22. Natale – Christmas
  23. Piccolo – Little
  24. Pieri – Son of Piero
  25. Rossetto – Little Red
  26. Tarantino – From Taranto
  27. Vaccaro – Cowherd
  28. Viola – Purple

Sexy Italian Last Names

Sexy Italian last names are seductive and alluring. These surnames will capture attention and evoke a sense of attraction and allure.

  1. Alessi – Defender of the People
  2. Bertini – Little Bright
  3. Borrelli – Little Borello
  4. Carrara – Quarry
  5. Casini – Little Houses
  6. Damiani – Son of Damian
  7. de Vita – of Life
  8. D’Errico – Son of Errico
  9. di Bella – of Beauty
  10. di Carlo – Of Charles
  11. di Giovanni – Of John
  12. di Girolamo – Of Jerome
  13. Genovese – From Genoa
  14. Lazzarini – Little Lazarus
  15. Marrone – Brown
  16. Massaro – Farmer
  17. Mattioli – Little Matthew
  18. Mora – Blackberry
  19. Pasquini – Little Easter
  20. Romani – Roman
  21. Salvati – Saved
  22. Terranova – New Land
  23. Vecchi – Old
  24. Zaccaria – Zachariah

Cute Italian Last Names

Cute Italian last names have an endearing or charming sound, eliciting a sense of warmth and fondness. Here, you will find surnames that are associated with sweetness and charm.

  1. Aiello – From Aiello
  2. Belotti – Beautiful
  3. Bertoli – Son of Bartolo
  4. Bresciani – From Brescia
  5. Corsi – From Corsica
  6. Croce – Cross
  7. Dalle – From the
  8. Dessi – Desert
  9. D’Onofrio – Son of Onofrio
  10. Fiorentino – Florentine
  11. Floris – Flower
  12. Frigerio – Cold
  13. Lamberti – Bright
  14. Lazzari – Plains
  15. Lodi – From Lodi
  16. Macchi – Stained
  17. Macri – Blessed
  18. Maffei – Son of Maffeo
  19. Montagna – Mountain
  20. Morra – Blackberry
  21. Pecoraro – Shepherd
  22. Peluso – Hair
  23. Petrucci – Rock
  24. Piccinini – Little Piccino
  25. Sacchi – Sacks

Old Italian Last Names

Our list of old-fashioned Italian last names reflects the profound history of Italy. These surnames have been passed down through generations and carry historical significance and heritage.

  1. Alfano – White
  2. Baldi – Bald
  3. Barbato – Bearded
  4. Battista – Baptist
  5. Berardi – Son of Berardo
  6. Berti – Son of Berto
  7. Borghi – Little Village
  8. Bosio – Bush
  9. Cappelli – Hats
  10. Carletti – Little Carlo
  11. Casella – Little House
  12. Castaldo – Chaste
  13. Cavalli – Horses
  14. Cirillo – Cyril
  15. Colonna – Column
  16. Colucci – Little Collector
  17. Corrado – Bold Counsel
  18. del Vecchio – Of the Old
  19. di Benedetto – Of Benedetto
  20. di Giacomo – Of Jacob
  21. Durante – Lasting
  22. Giudici – Judges
  23. Landi – Land
  24. Leo – Lion
  25. Loi – Law
  26. Lorusso – Red-haired
  27. Manna – Manna
  28. Mari – Seas
  29. Moretto – Little Moor
  30. Nardi – Hardy
  31. Palladino – Pallas Athena’s Child
  32. Pasquali – Easter
  33. Pugliese – From Apulia
  34. Sacco – Sack
  35. Tosi – Curly-haired

Strong Italian Last Names

These strong Italian last names convey a sense of power, resilience, and fortitude. They are associated with inner and outer strength and represent a steadfast character.

  1. Antonelli – Son of Antonio
  2. Bertelli – Son of Bert
  3. Biondi – Blond
  4. Campagna – Countryside
  5. Campana – Bell
  6. Cavallaro – Horseman
  7. Cimino – Chimney
  8. Colella – Little Neck
  9. Cosentino – Healthy
  10. Cozzolino – Little Cozzo
  11. Crespi – Curly
  12. Fabris – Blacksmith
  13. Fossati – Ditches
  14. Franchi – French
  15. Gennari – January
  16. Guarino – Warrior
  17. Lupo – Wolf
  18. Manenti – Dweller
  19. Massari – Farmer
  20. Mattei – Gift of God
  21. Mauri – Moor
  22. Mercuri – Merchant
  23. Miceli – Son of Michael
  24. Morandi – Dark-skinned
  25. Mura – Walls
  26. Musso – Moss
  27. Napoli – From Naples
  28. Panico – Panic
  29. Pisani – Son of Pisano
  30. Rapisarda – Hold firm
  31. Righi – Ridge
  32. Rossini – Reddish
  33. Santangelo – Saint Angel
  34. Tedesco – German
  35. Tonelli – Little Tony
  36. Valle – Valley
  37. Zambon – Son of Zambone

Rare Italian Last Names

We’ve gathered the rarest Italian last names for this list that is beyond compare. These Italian last names are uncommon, with unique or distinct origins. They are associated with exclusivity and distinctiveness.

  1. Albanese – Albanian
  2. Bacci – Son of Bacco
  3. Balducci – Bold
  4. Bergamaschi – From Bergamo
  5. Bergamini – Little Bergamo
  6. Botta – Barrel
  7. Bove – Ox
  8. Capasso – Shaggy Hair
  9. Carraro – Dear
  10. Cocco – co*ck
  11. Corradini – Son of Corrado
  12. Cossu – Little Cozzo
  13. Crippa – Cripple
  14. D’Elia – Son of Elia
  15. di Maio – Son of Maio
  16. di Martino – Son of Martino
  17. di Mauro – Son of Mauro
  18. di Pietro – Son of Pietro
  19. Ferrario – Blacksmith
  20. Furlan – From Friuli
  21. Innocenti – Innocent
  22. Lenzi – Little Lorenzo
  23. Meroni – Son of Merone
  24. Panzeri – Armored
  25. Pappalardo – Pope’s Palace
  26. Parodi – Parody
  27. Perego – Pear Tree
  28. Poggi – Hills
  29. Privitera – Private
  30. Rocchi – Curly-haired
  31. Ronchi – Wheat Fields
  32. Scognamiglio – Knows Nothing
  33. Valsecchi – Little Waltz

Uncommon Italian Last Names

These uncommon Italian last names are for those who, like the Renaissance’s men and women, have a unique mind. They may not be widely known or recognized, but their unique characteristics distinguish them from more common surnames.

  1. Antonini – Little Anthony
  2. Arena – Sand
  3. Barbagallo – Son of Barber
  4. Barbera – Barber
  5. Bertolini – Son of Bertolo
  6. Carminati – Son of Carmine
  7. Ceccarelli – Little Cecchino
  8. Cerutti – Little Cerutti
  9. Delle – Of the
  10. di Domenico – Son of Domenico
  11. di Lorenzo – Son of Lorenzo
  12. di Paolo – Son of Paolo
  13. Drago – Dragon
  14. Fava – Broad Bean
  15. Ferrante – Steadfast
  16. Fiorini – Little Flower
  17. Grossi – Big
  18. Guidi – Guide
  19. Maggio – May
  20. Marano – From Marano
  21. Orlandi – Famous Land
  22. Palazzo – Palace
  23. Pastore – Shepherd
  24. Piccoli – Little
  25. Ranieri – Counsel of the Army
  26. Ricciardi – Hardy Power
  27. Santoni – Little Saint
  28. Schiavone – Slave
  29. Scuderi – Shield-bearer
  30. Stefani – Crown
  31. Trevisan – From Treviso
  32. Usai – From Usai
  33. Venturi – Winds
  34. Visentin – From Vise
  35. Volpi – Fox

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  • Italian First Names
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Famous People with Italian Last Names

Leonardo da Vinci was born in Anchiano, Italy, in 1452. He was a painter whose works included the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, a sculptor, and an icon of the Renaissance. He studied a variety of scientific and mathematical subjects. Da Vinci is an Italian surname that means ‘of the town of Vinci’ in Eastern Tuscany.

Monica Bellucci is an actress and model who has walked the runways of the world’s most prominent fashion houses. Born in Italy in 1964, she is best known for her roles in films such as The Passion of the Christ and Spectre. Bellucci derives from the Italian word Bello, which aptly means ‘beautiful.’

Luciano Pavarotti, born in Italy in 1935, was an opera singer. He has sold over 100 million records, including recordings of entire operas and arias. The meaning of the surname Pavarotti is not recorded, but it is similar to the Latin word ‘pavere,’ which means fear.

Antonio Vivaldi was a violinist and composer seen as a titan of Baroque music. Born in Italy in 1678, he wrote religious music, concertos, and over fifty operas throughout his career. Vivaldi is a Latin form of the Old High German words’ wīg,’ meaning fight, and ‘walda,’ meaning battle.

Giuseppe Garibaldi, born in France in 1807, is called one of Italy’s ‘fathers of the fatherland.’ He led the Italian unification and establishment of the Kingdom of Italy. Garibaldi comes from Lombardi, an extinct language used by Germanic immigrants to Italy in the 500s, and means ‘bold.’


Information from Wikipedia on Italian surnames was used in the collection of this data.

563 Italian Last Names (With Meanings) - Listophile (2024)


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