Categories: Fitness Tools
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The bench press max chart is the old school method of approximating your 1 REP MAX bench press. Use these charts as a guide to what you can bench for a maximum of one rep.
This bench press max chart can help you work out your 1 REP MAX. This is the simple "old school" method of calculating your 1 REP MAX. It's simple to use, just select the weight from the side column and the number of reps from the top. Where the two connect is your approximate 1 REP MAX bench press. The first table is in pounds and the second table is in kilograms.
Remember, this chart is only meant to be used as a guide. The only way you're going to know your true 1 REP MAX is to get in the gym and do it!
To calculate your bench the easy way use our Bench Press (1RM) Calculator.
Bench Chart in Pounds
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | |
135 | 141.3 | 147.3 | 152.6 | 157.5 | 162.3 | 166.9 | 171.3 | 175.5 | 179.6 | 183.5 | 187.2 |
140 | 146.6 | 152.7 | 158.2 | 163.4 | 168.3 | 173 | 177.7 | 182 | 186.2 | 190.3 | 194.2 |
145 | 151.8 | 158.2 | 163.9 | 169.2 | 174.3 | 179.2 | 184 | 188.5 | 192.9 | 197.1 | 201.1 |
150 | 157.1 | 163.7 | 169.5 | 175.1 | 180.3 | 185.4 | 190.4 | 195 | 199.5 | 203.9 | 208.1 |
155 | 162.3 | 169.1 | 175.2 | 180.9 | 186.3 | 191.6 | 196.7 | 201.5 | 206.2 | 210.6 | 215 |
160 | 167.5 | 174.6 | 180.8 | 186.7 | 192.3 | 197.8 | 203 | 208 | 212.8 | 217.4 | 221.9 |
165 | 172.8 | 180 | 186.5 | 192.6 | 198.3 | 203.9 | 209.4 | 214.5 | 219.5 | 224.2 | 228.9 |
170 | 178 | 185.5 | 192.1 | 198.4 | 204.3 | 210.1 | 215.7 | 221 | 226.1 | 231 | 235.8 |
175 | 183.2 | 190.9 | 197.8 | 204.2 | 210.4 | 216.3 | 222.1 | 227.5 | 232.8 | 237.8 | 242.7 |
180 | 188.5 | 196.4 | 203.4 | 210.1 | 216.4 | 222.5 | 228.4 | 234 | 239.4 | 244.6 | 249.7 |
185 | 193.7 | 201.8 | 209.1 | 215.9 | 222.4 | 228.7 | 234.8 | 240.5 | 246.1 | 251.4 | 256.6 |
190 | 198.9 | 207.3 | 214.7 | 221.7 | 228.4 | 234.8 | 241.1 | 247 | 252.7 | 258.2 | 263.5 |
195 | 204.2 | 212.7 | 220.4 | 227.6 | 234.4 | 241 | 247.5 | 253.5 | 259.4 | 265 | 270.5 |
200 | 209.4 | 218.2 | 226 | 233.4 | 240.4 | 247.2 | 253.8 | 260 | 266 | 271.8 | 277.4 |
205 | 214.6 | 223.7 | 231.7 | 239.2 | 246.4 | 253.4 | 260.1 | 266.5 | 272.7 | 278.6 | 284.3 |
210 | 219.9 | 229.1 | 237.3 | 245.1 | 252.4 | 259.6 | 266.5 | 273 | 279.3 | 285.4 | 291.3 |
215 | 225.1 | 234.6 | 243 | 250.9 | 258.4 | 265.7 | 272.8 | 279.5 | 286 | 292.2 | 298.2 |
220 | 230.3 | 240 | 248.6 | 256.7 | 264.4 | 271.9 | 279.2 | 286 | 292.6 | 299 | 305.1 |
225 | 235.6 | 245.5 | 254.3 | 262.6 | 270.5 | 278.1 | 285.5 | 292.5 | 299.3 | 305.8 | 312.1 |
230 | 240.8 | 250.9 | 259.9 | 268.4 | 276.5 | 284.3 | 291.9 | 299 | 305.9 | 312.6 | 319 |
235 | 246 | 256.4 | 265.6 | 274.2 | 282.5 | 290.5 | 298.2 | 305.5 | 312.6 | 319.4 | 325.9 |
240 | 251.3 | 261.8 | 271.2 | 280.1 | 288.5 | 296.6 | 304.6 | 312 | 319.2 | 326.2 | 332.9 |
245 | 256.5 | 267.3 | 276.9 | 285.9 | 294.5 | 302.8 | 310.9 | 318.5 | 325.9 | 333 | 339.8 |
250 | 261.8 | 272.8 | 282.5 | 291.8 | 300.5 | 309 | 317.3 | 325 | 332.5 | 339.8 | 346.8 |
255 | 267 | 278.2 | 288.2 | 297.6 | 306.5 | 315.2 | 323.6 | 331.5 | 339.2 | 346.5 | 353.7 |
260 | 272.2 | 283.7 | 293.8 | 303.4 | 312.5 | 321.4 | 329.9 | 338 | 345.8 | 353.3 | 360.6 |
265 | 277.5 | 289.1 | 299.5 | 309.3 | 318.5 | 327.5 | 336.3 | 344.5 | 352.5 | 360.1 | 367.6 |
270 | 282.7 | 294.6 | 305.1 | 315.1 | 324.5 | 333.7 | 342.6 | 351 | 359.1 | 366.9 | 374.5 |
275 | 287.9 | 300 | 310.8 | 320.9 | 330.6 | 339.9 | 349 | 357.5 | 365.8 | 373.7 | 381.4 |
280 | 293.2 | 305.5 | 316.4 | 326.8 | 336.6 | 346.1 | 355.3 | 364 | 372.4 | 380.5 | 388.4 |
285 | 298.4 | 310.9 | 322.1 | 332.6 | 342.6 | 352.3 | 361.7 | 370.5 | 379.1 | 387.3 | 395.3 |
290 | 303.6 | 316.4 | 327.7 | 338.4 | 348.6 | 358.4 | 368 | 377 | 385.7 | 394.1 | 402.2 |
295 | 308.9 | 321.8 | 333.4 | 344.3 | 354.6 | 364.6 | 374.4 | 383.5 | 392.4 | 400.9 | 409.2 |
300 | 314.1 | 327.3 | 339 | 350.1 | 360.6 | 370.8 | 380.7 | 390 | 399 | 407.7 | 416.1 |
305 | 319.3 | 332.8 | 344.7 | 355.9 | 366.6 | 377 | 387 | 396.5 | 405.7 | 414.5 | 423 |
310 | 324.6 | 338.2 | 350.3 | 361.8 | 372.6 | 383.2 | 393.4 | 403 | 412.3 | 421.3 | 430 |
315 | 329.8 | 343.7 | 356 | 367.6 | 378.6 | 389.3 | 399.7 | 409.5 | 419 | 428.1 | 436.9 |
320 | 335 | 349.1 | 361.6 | 373.4 | 384.6 | 395.5 | 406.1 | 416 | 425.6 | 434.9 | 443.8 |
325 | 340.3 | 354.6 | 367.3 | 379.3 | 390.7 | 401.7 | 412.4 | 422.5 | 432.3 | 441.7 | 450.8 |
330 | 345.5 | 360 | 372.9 | 385.1 | 396.7 | 407.9 | 418.8 | 429 | 438.9 | 448.5 | 457.7 |
335 | 350.7 | 365.5 | 378.6 | 390.9 | 402.7 | 414.1 | 425.1 | 435.5 | 445.6 | 455.3 | 464.6 |
340 | 356 | 370.9 | 384.2 | 396.8 | 408.7 | 420.2 | 431.5 | 442 | 452.2 | 462.1 | 471.6 |
345 | 361.2 | 376.4 | 389.9 | 402.6 | 414.7 | 426.4 | 437.8 | 448.5 | 458.9 | 468.9 | 478.5 |
350 | 366.5 | 381.9 | 395.5 | 408.5 | 420.7 | 432.6 | 444.2 | 455 | 465.5 | 475.7 | 485.5 |
355 | 371.7 | 387.3 | 401.2 | 414.3 | 426.7 | 438.8 | 450.5 | 461.5 | 472.2 | 482.4 | 492.4 |
360 | 376.9 | 392.8 | 406.8 | 420.1 | 432.7 | 445 | 456.8 | 468 | 478.8 | 489.2 | 499.3 |
365 | 382.2 | 398.2 | 412.5 | 426 | 438.7 | 451.1 | 463.2 | 474.5 | 485.5 | 496 | 506.3 |
370 | 387.4 | 403.7 | 418.1 | 431.8 | 444.7 | 457.3 | 469.5 | 481 | 492.1 | 502.8 | 513.2 |
375 | 392.6 | 409.1 | 423.8 | 437.6 | 450.8 | 463.5 | 475.9 | 487.5 | 498.8 | 509.6 | 520.1 |
380 | 397.9 | 414.6 | 429.4 | 443.5 | 456.8 | 469.7 | 482.2 | 494 | 505.4 | 516.4 | 527.1 |
385 | 403.1 | 420 | 435.1 | 449.3 | 462.8 | 475.9 | 488.6 | 500.5 | 512.1 | 523.2 | 534 |
390 | 408.3 | 425.5 | 440.7 | 455.1 | 468.8 | 482 | 494.9 | 507 | 518.7 | 530 | 540.9 |
395 | 413.6 | 430.9 | 446.4 | 461 | 474.8 | 488.2 | 501.3 | 513.5 | 525.4 | 536.8 | 547.9 |
400 | 418.8 | 436.4 | 452 | 466.8 | 480.8 | 494.4 | 507.6 | 520 | 532 | 543.6 | 554.8 |
405 | 424 | 441.9 | 457.7 | 472.6 | 486.8 | 500.6 | 513.9 | 526.5 | 538.7 | 550.4 | 561.7 |
410 | 429.3 | 447.3 | 463.3 | 478.5 | 492.8 | 506.8 | 520.3 | 533 | 545.3 | 557.2 | 568.7 |
415 | 434.5 | 452.8 | 469 | 484.3 | 498.8 | 512.9 | 526.6 | 539.5 | 552 | 564 | 575.6 |
420 | 439.7 | 458.2 | 474.6 | 490.1 | 504.8 | 519.1 | 533 | 546 | 558.6 | 570.8 | 582.5 |
425 | 445 | 463.7 | 480.3 | 496 | 510.9 | 525.3 | 539.3 | 552.5 | 565.3 | 577.6 | 589.5 |
430 | 450.2 | 469.1 | 485.9 | 501.8 | 516.9 | 531.5 | 545.7 | 559 | 571.9 | 584.4 | 596.4 |
435 | 455.4 | 474.6 | 491.6 | 507.6 | 522.9 | 537.7 | 552 | 565.5 | 578.6 | 591.2 | 603.3 |
440 | 460.7 | 480 | 497.2 | 513.5 | 528.9 | 543.8 | 558.4 | 572 | 585.2 | 598 | 610.3 |
445 | 465.9 | 485.5 | 502.9 | 519.3 | 534.9 | 550 | 564.7 | 578.5 | 591.9 | 604.8 | 617.2 |
450 | 471.2 | 491 | 508.5 | 525.2 | 540.9 | 556.2 | 571.1 | 585 | 598.5 | 611.6 | 624.2 |
455 | 476.4 | 496.4 | 514.2 | 531 | 546.9 | 562.4 | 577.4 | 591.5 | 605.2 | 618.3 | 631.1 |
460 | 481.6 | 501.9 | 519.8 | 536.8 | 552.9 | 568.6 | 583.7 | 598 | 611.8 | 625.1 | 638 |
465 | 486.9 | 507.3 | 525.5 | 542.7 | 558.9 | 574.7 | 590.1 | 604.5 | 618.5 | 631.9 | 645 |
470 | 492.1 | 512.8 | 531.1 | 548.5 | 564.9 | 580.9 | 596.4 | 611 | 625.1 | 638.7 | 651.9 |
475 | 497.3 | 518.2 | 536.8 | 554.3 | 571 | 587.1 | 602.8 | 617.5 | 631.8 | 645.5 | 658.8 |
480 | 502.6 | 523.7 | 542.4 | 560.2 | 577 | 593.3 | 609.1 | 624 | 638.4 | 652.3 | 665.8 |
485 | 507.8 | 529.1 | 548.1 | 566 | 583 | 599.5 | 615.5 | 630.5 | 645.1 | 659.1 | 672.7 |
490 | 513 | 534.6 | 553.7 | 571.8 | 589 | 605.6 | 621.8 | 637 | 651.7 | 665.9 | 679.6 |
495 | 518.3 | 540 | 559.4 | 577.7 | 595 | 611.8 | 628.2 | 643.5 | 658.4 | 672.7 | 686.6 |
500 | 523.5 | 545.5 | 565 | 583.5 | 601 | 618 | 634.5 | 650 | 665 | 679.5 | 693.5 |
505 | 528.7 | 551 | 570.7 | 589.3 | 607 | 624.2 | 640.8 | 656.5 | 671.7 | 686.3 | 700.4 |
510 | 534 | 556.4 | 576.3 | 595.2 | 613 | 630.4 | 647.2 | 663 | 678.3 | 693.1 | 707.4 |
515 | 539.2 | 561.9 | 582 | 601 | 619 | 636.5 | 653.5 | 669.5 | 685 | 699.9 | 714.3 |
520 | 544.4 | 567.3 | 587.6 | 606.8 | 625 | 642.7 | 659.9 | 676 | 691.6 | 706.7 | 721.2 |
525 | 549.7 | 572.8 | 593.3 | 612.7 | 631.1 | 648.9 | 666.2 | 682.5 | 698.3 | 713.5 | 728.2 |
530 | 554.9 | 578.2 | 598.9 | 618.5 | 637.1 | 655.1 | 672.6 | 689 | 704.9 | 720.3 | 735.1 |
535 | 560.1 | 583.7 | 604.6 | 624.3 | 643.1 | 661.3 | 678.9 | 695.5 | 711.6 | 727.1 | 742 |
540 | 565.4 | 589.1 | 610.2 | 630.2 | 649.1 | 667.4 | 685.3 | 702 | 718.2 | 733.9 | 749 |
545 | 570.6 | 594.6 | 615.9 | 636 | 655.1 | 673.6 | 691.6 | 708.5 | 724.9 | 740.7 | 755.9 |
550 | 575.9 | 600.1 | 621.5 | 641.9 | 661.1 | 679.8 | 698 | 715 | 731.5 | 747.5 | 762.9 |
555 | 581.1 | 605.5 | 627.2 | 647.7 | 667.1 | 686 | 704.3 | 721.5 | 738.2 | 754.2 | 769.8 |
560 | 586.3 | 611 | 632.8 | 653.5 | 673.1 | 692.2 | 710.6 | 728 | 744.8 | 761 | 776.7 |
565 | 591.6 | 616.4 | 638.5 | 659.4 | 679.1 | 698.3 | 717 | 734.5 | 751.5 | 767.8 | 783.7 |
570 | 596.8 | 621.9 | 644.1 | 665.2 | 685.1 | 704.5 | 723.3 | 741 | 758.1 | 774.6 | 790.6 |
575 | 602 | 627.3 | 649.8 | 671 | 691.2 | 710.7 | 729.7 | 747.5 | 764.8 | 781.4 | 797.5 |
580 | 607.3 | 632.8 | 655.4 | 676.9 | 697.2 | 716.9 | 736 | 754 | 771.4 | 788.2 | 804.5 |
585 | 612.5 | 638.2 | 661.1 | 682.7 | 703.2 | 723.1 | 742.4 | 760.5 | 778.1 | 795 | 811.4 |
590 | 617.7 | 643.7 | 666.7 | 688.5 | 709.2 | 729.2 | 748.7 | 767 | 784.7 | 801.8 | 818.3 |
595 | 623 | 649.1 | 672.4 | 694.4 | 715.2 | 735.4 | 755.1 | 773.5 | 791.4 | 808.6 | 825.3 |
600 | 628.2 | 654.6 | 678 | 700.2 | 721.2 | 741.6 | 761.4 | 780 | 798 | 815.4 | 832.2 |
605 | 633.4 | 660.1 | 683.7 | 706 | 727.2 | 747.8 | 767.7 | 786.5 | 804.7 | 822.2 | 839.1 |
610 | 638.7 | 665.5 | 689.3 | 711.9 | 733.2 | 754 | 774.1 | 793 | 811.3 | 829 | 846.1 |
615 | 643.9 | 671 | 695 | 717.7 | 739.2 | 760.1 | 780.4 | 799.5 | 818 | 835.8 | 853 |
620 | 649.1 | 676.4 | 700.6 | 723.5 | 745.2 | 766.3 | 786.8 | 806 | 824.6 | 842.6 | 859.9 |
625 | 654.4 | 681.9 | 706.3 | 729.4 | 751.3 | 772.5 | 793.1 | 812.5 | 831.3 | 849.4 | 866.9 |
630 | 659.6 | 687.3 | 711.9 | 735.2 | 757.3 | 778.7 | 799.5 | 819 | 837.9 | 856.2 | 873.8 |
635 | 664.8 | 692.8 | 717.6 | 741 | 763.3 | 784.9 | 805.8 | 825.5 | 844.6 | 863 | 880.7 |
640 | 670.1 | 698.2 | 723.2 | 746.9 | 769.3 | 791 | 812.2 | 832 | 851.2 | 869.8 | 887.7 |
645 | 675.3 | 703.7 | 728.9 | 752.7 | 775.3 | 797.2 | 818.5 | 838.5 | 857.9 | 876.6 | 894.6 |
650 | 680.6 | 709.2 | 734.5 | 758.6 | 781.3 | 803.4 | 824.9 | 845 | 864.5 | 883.4 | 901.6 |
655 | 685.8 | 714.6 | 740.2 | 764.4 | 787.3 | 809.6 | 831.2 | 851.5 | 871.2 | 890.1 | 908.5 |
660 | 691 | 720.1 | 745.8 | 770.2 | 793.3 | 815.8 | 837.5 | 858 | 877.8 | 896.9 | 915.4 |
665 | 696.3 | 725.5 | 751.5 | 776.1 | 799.3 | 821.9 | 843.9 | 864.5 | 884.5 | 903.7 | 922.4 |
670 | 701.5 | 731 | 757.1 | 781.9 | 805.3 | 828.1 | 850.2 | 871 | 891.1 | 910.5 | 929.3 |
675 | 706.7 | 736.4 | 762.8 | 787.7 | 811.4 | 834.3 | 856.6 | 877.5 | 897.8 | 917.3 | 936.2 |
680 | 712 | 741.9 | 768.4 | 793.6 | 817.4 | 840.5 | 862.9 | 884 | 904.4 | 924.1 | 943.2 |
685 | 717.2 | 747.3 | 774.1 | 799.4 | 823.4 | 846.7 | 869.3 | 890.5 | 911.1 | 930.9 | 950.1 |
690 | 722.4 | 752.8 | 779.7 | 805.2 | 829.4 | 852.8 | 875.6 | 897 | 917.7 | 937.7 | 957 |
695 | 727.7 | 758.2 | 785.4 | 811.1 | 835.4 | 859 | 882 | 903.5 | 924.4 | 944.5 | 964 |
700 | 732.9 | 763.7 | 791 | 816.9 | 841.4 | 865.2 | 888.3 | 910 | 931 | 951.3 | 970.9 |
Bench Chart in Kilograms
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | |
35 | 36.6 | 38.2 | 39.6 | 40.8 | 42.1 | 43.3 | 44.4 | 45.5 | 46.6 | 47.6 | 48.5 |
40 | 41.9 | 43.6 | 45.2 | 46.7 | 48.1 | 49.4 | 50.8 | 52 | 53.2 | 54.4 | 55.5 |
45 | 47.1 | 49.1 | 50.9 | 52.5 | 54.1 | 55.6 | 57.1 | 58.5 | 59.9 | 61.2 | 62.4 |
50 | 52.4 | 54.6 | 56.5 | 58.4 | 60.1 | 61.8 | 63.5 | 65 | 66.5 | 68 | 69.4 |
55 | 57.6 | 60 | 62.2 | 64.2 | 66.1 | 68 | 69.8 | 71.5 | 73.2 | 74.7 | 76.3 |
60 | 62.8 | 65.5 | 67.8 | 70 | 72.1 | 74.2 | 76.1 | 78 | 79.8 | 81.5 | 83.2 |
65 | 68.1 | 70.9 | 73.5 | 75.9 | 78.1 | 80.3 | 82.5 | 84.5 | 86.5 | 88.3 | 90.2 |
70 | 73.3 | 76.4 | 79.1 | 81.7 | 84.1 | 86.5 | 88.8 | 91 | 93.1 | 95.1 | 97.1 |
75 | 78.5 | 81.8 | 84.8 | 87.5 | 90.2 | 92.7 | 95.2 | 97.5 | 99.8 | 101.9 | 104 |
80 | 83.8 | 87.3 | 90.4 | 93.4 | 96.2 | 98.9 | 101.5 | 104 | 106.4 | 108.7 | 111 |
85 | 89 | 92.7 | 96.1 | 99.2 | 102.2 | 105.1 | 107.9 | 110.5 | 113.1 | 115.5 | 117.9 |
90 | 94.2 | 98.2 | 101.7 | 105 | 108.2 | 111.2 | 114.2 | 117 | 119.7 | 122.3 | 124.8 |
95 | 99.5 | 103.6 | 107.4 | 110.9 | 114.2 | 117.4 | 120.6 | 123.5 | 126.4 | 129.1 | 131.8 |
100 | 104.7 | 109.1 | 113 | 116.7 | 120.2 | 123.6 | 126.9 | 130 | 133 | 135.9 | 138.7 |
105 | 109.9 | 114.6 | 118.7 | 122.5 | 126.2 | 129.8 | 133.2 | 136.5 | 139.7 | 142.7 | 145.6 |
110 | 115.2 | 120 | 124.3 | 128.4 | 132.2 | 136 | 139.6 | 143 | 146.3 | 149.5 | 152.6 |
115 | 120.4 | 125.5 | 130 | 134.2 | 138.2 | 142.1 | 145.9 | 149.5 | 153 | 156.3 | 159.5 |
120 | 125.6 | 130.9 | 135.6 | 140 | 144.2 | 148.3 | 152.3 | 156 | 159.6 | 163.1 | 166.4 |
125 | 130.9 | 136.4 | 141.3 | 145.9 | 150.3 | 154.5 | 158.6 | 162.5 | 166.3 | 169.9 | 173.4 |
130 | 136.1 | 141.8 | 146.9 | 151.7 | 156.3 | 160.7 | 165 | 169 | 172.9 | 176.7 | 180.3 |
135 | 141.3 | 147.3 | 152.6 | 157.5 | 162.3 | 166.9 | 171.3 | 175.5 | 179.6 | 183.5 | 187.2 |
140 | 146.6 | 152.7 | 158.2 | 163.4 | 168.3 | 173 | 177.7 | 182 | 186.2 | 190.3 | 194.2 |
145 | 151.8 | 158.2 | 163.9 | 169.2 | 174.3 | 179.2 | 184 | 188.5 | 192.9 | 197.1 | 201.1 |
150 | 157.1 | 163.7 | 169.5 | 175.1 | 180.3 | 185.4 | 190.4 | 195 | 199.5 | 203.9 | 208.1 |
155 | 162.3 | 169.1 | 175.2 | 180.9 | 186.3 | 191.6 | 196.7 | 201.5 | 206.2 | 210.6 | 215 |
160 | 167.5 | 174.6 | 180.8 | 186.7 | 192.3 | 197.8 | 203 | 208 | 212.8 | 217.4 | 221.9 |
165 | 172.8 | 180 | 186.5 | 192.6 | 198.3 | 203.9 | 209.4 | 214.5 | 219.5 | 224.2 | 228.9 |
170 | 178 | 185.5 | 192.1 | 198.4 | 204.3 | 210.1 | 215.7 | 221 | 226.1 | 231 | 235.8 |
175 | 183.2 | 190.9 | 197.8 | 204.2 | 210.4 | 216.3 | 222.1 | 227.5 | 232.8 | 237.8 | 242.7 |
180 | 188.5 | 196.4 | 203.4 | 210.1 | 216.4 | 222.5 | 228.4 | 234 | 239.4 | 244.6 | 249.7 |
185 | 193.7 | 201.8 | 209.1 | 215.9 | 222.4 | 228.7 | 234.8 | 240.5 | 246.1 | 251.4 | 256.6 |
190 | 198.9 | 207.3 | 214.7 | 221.7 | 228.4 | 234.8 | 241.1 | 247 | 252.7 | 258.2 | 263.5 |
195 | 204.2 | 212.7 | 220.4 | 227.6 | 234.4 | 241 | 247.5 | 253.5 | 259.4 | 265 | 270.5 |
200 | 209.4 | 218.2 | 226 | 233.4 | 240.4 | 247.2 | 253.8 | 260 | 266 | 271.8 | 277.4 |
205 | 214.6 | 223.7 | 231.7 | 239.2 | 246.4 | 253.4 | 260.1 | 266.5 | 272.7 | 278.6 | 284.3 |
210 | 219.9 | 229.1 | 237.3 | 245.1 | 252.4 | 259.6 | 266.5 | 273 | 279.3 | 285.4 | 291.3 |
215 | 225.1 | 234.6 | 243 | 250.9 | 258.4 | 265.7 | 272.8 | 279.5 | 286 | 292.2 | 298.2 |
220 | 230.3 | 240 | 248.6 | 256.7 | 264.4 | 271.9 | 279.2 | 286 | 292.6 | 299 | 305.1 |
225 | 235.6 | 245.5 | 254.3 | 262.6 | 270.5 | 278.1 | 285.5 | 292.5 | 299.3 | 305.8 | 312.1 |
230 | 240.8 | 250.9 | 259.9 | 268.4 | 276.5 | 284.3 | 291.9 | 299 | 305.9 | 312.6 | 319 |
235 | 246 | 256.4 | 265.6 | 274.2 | 282.5 | 290.5 | 298.2 | 305.5 | 312.6 | 319.4 | 325.9 |
240 | 251.3 | 261.8 | 271.2 | 280.1 | 288.5 | 296.6 | 304.6 | 312 | 319.2 | 326.2 | 332.9 |
245 | 256.5 | 267.3 | 276.9 | 285.9 | 294.5 | 302.8 | 310.9 | 318.5 | 325.9 | 333 | 339.8 |
250 | 261.8 | 272.8 | 282.5 | 291.8 | 300.5 | 309 | 317.3 | 325 | 332.5 | 339.8 | 346.8 |
255 | 267 | 278.2 | 288.2 | 297.6 | 306.5 | 315.2 | 323.6 | 331.5 | 339.2 | 346.5 | 353.7 |
260 | 272.2 | 283.7 | 293.8 | 303.4 | 312.5 | 321.4 | 329.9 | 338 | 345.8 | 353.3 | 360.6 |
265 | 277.5 | 289.1 | 299.5 | 309.3 | 318.5 | 327.5 | 336.3 | 344.5 | 352.5 | 360.1 | 367.6 |
270 | 282.7 | 294.6 | 305.1 | 315.1 | 324.5 | 333.7 | 342.6 | 351 | 359.1 | 366.9 | 374.5 |
275 | 287.9 | 300 | 310.8 | 320.9 | 330.6 | 339.9 | 349 | 357.5 | 365.8 | 373.7 | 381.4 |
280 | 293.2 | 305.5 | 316.4 | 326.8 | 336.6 | 346.1 | 355.3 | 364 | 372.4 | 380.5 | 388.4 |
285 | 298.4 | 310.9 | 322.1 | 332.6 | 342.6 | 352.3 | 361.7 | 370.5 | 379.1 | 387.3 | 395.3 |
290 | 303.6 | 316.4 | 327.7 | 338.4 | 348.6 | 358.4 | 368 | 377 | 385.7 | 394.1 | 402.2 |
295 | 308.9 | 321.8 | 333.4 | 344.3 | 354.6 | 364.6 | 374.4 | 383.5 | 392.4 | 400.9 | 409.2 |
300 | 314.1 | 327.3 | 339 | 350.1 | 360.6 | 370.8 | 380.7 | 390 | 399 | 407.7 | 416.1 |
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Daniel Phillips
Posted on: Mon, 10/07/2024 - 17:32
16 years old 5’11 183 BW one rep max is 290 lbs
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Posted on: Wed, 10/02/2024 - 17:09
I have not maxed out yet but I am able to bench 240lbs at the age of 17 and I'm 225lbs,I'm being told that that's very very impressive. AM I being patronized or is that actually crazy good?
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Posted on: Tue, 10/08/2024 - 19:16
Hi Josh, 240 at 17 is impressive, regardless of weight. Be proud but motivated to achieve more.
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Ezekiel neeley
Posted on: Thu, 06/06/2024 - 18:50
Is it good that I'm 135 maxing out at 205 for 1 rep max at 6'1 in height 19 years of age and my main focus is mma based training.
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Posted on: Thu, 06/13/2024 - 06:56
Benching over your bodyweight by that much is solid, Ezekiel. Keep it up!
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Posted on: Tue, 08/08/2023 - 15:57
So I’m a bit confused.. so the left side is the weight of the bar with weights on or it’s the pounds of someone weight ??
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Posted on: Tue, 08/22/2023 - 20:57
Weight on the left in blue is the weight you use. The numbers on the top are the reps you can do with that weight. The point that they meet on the chart is your estimated max.
Example - You can do 135 pounds for 2 reps, then your estimated max is 141.3 pounds. Hope this helps!
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Posted on: Mon, 06/05/2023 - 11:37
I’m 76 and stopped lifting weights 25 years ago, when I could bench 315lbs 3 reps. 275lbs 2 sets 10 reps. 250lbs 4 sets 10 reps. Started lifting again 9 months ago. 5’8” 188 lbs can bench press 225 1 rep. Just want to stay fit and trim and lose 12 pounds. Losing weight is my challenge today
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Jayden brummett
Posted on: Sun, 06/04/2023 - 01:27
I’m at 163 body weight and I’m benching 180 and deadlifting 345 am I at where I should be and I’m 17 or am I not where I should be
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Posted on: Sun, 06/04/2023 - 07:50
For anyone to be benching over their bodyweight is a notable achievement in the grand scheme of the world. To be doing it as a teenager is awesome, Jayden. That deadlift is big time, too. Keep it up and keep us posted on your progress. Thanks for reading M&S!
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Posted on: Tue, 05/30/2023 - 10:50
I really don’t understand these charts. Is the vertical number body weight and the horizontal the number of reps that you can lift at the weight where the two numbers meet?
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Posted on: Sat, 06/03/2023 - 15:26
Up and down on the left is the weight on the bar. Right is the reps.
For example, find 150 pounds on the left, then go over to 12 reps on the right. You get 208.1 pounds. Hope this helps.
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Edward Zheng
Posted on: Tue, 05/16/2023 - 19:42
15 years old, 5'10, 180lb, one rep max is 245
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Posted on: Thu, 04/06/2023 - 19:17
I'm 58 years old, 215lbs,5'10"
my 3 rep max is 385lbs
I do 225lbs 15-20 reps
on burnout 4th set
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Dave Tonna
Posted on: Sat, 03/11/2023 - 00:18
I’m 14 yrs old, 5’7 feet, weight 58kg and max bench press 65kg
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Posted on: Sun, 10/30/2022 - 14:15
At 38, 225lbs, I worked my way to a half rep of 350. Then the baby brought home rsv and it turned into pneumonia. Then the flu, then pneumonia again, then covid, then pneumonia again. All since December. I lost everything i worked for and now weigh 265. Finally got 265 on the bench again today. Can't wait till I'm back to where I was. Any advice I'm losing hope. Thanks
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Posted on: Sun, 10/30/2022 - 14:34
Focus on your sticking point and work to improve that. If you go heavier and have trouble locking out, commit more work to triceps. If you have trouble coming off the chest, then dumbbells and shoulder work could help. Other than that, stick with it and remember that you did it once, you can do it again.
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Posted on: Wed, 05/11/2022 - 11:12
I am 5”8 17yrs old 140lbs and i hit 225 for 3 the other day wonder what my max would go for
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Posted on: Sun, 03/13/2022 - 14:04
I'm 6'2 feet and weight 270lbs . My bench is 30×225lbs.
What's my max bench press for rep?
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Posted on: Sun, 03/13/2022 - 19:31
Figure out your max with less reps and follow the chart accordingly, Karlo.
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Posted on: Tue, 03/08/2022 - 15:41
Finally hit 315 at 195lbs 6’5
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Posted on: Sat, 12/25/2021 - 03:14
I just turned 14 and I could bench 295, how long until I get to 405
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Posted on: Sat, 12/25/2021 - 00:12
im 15 140 pounds and i can bench 225 no lie i worked hard to get here
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Posted on: Thu, 12/09/2021 - 10:45
I am 17 years old and 154 pounds with a max bench of 190 trying to get to 225 in 2 months if possible.
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Posted on: Tue, 05/24/2022 - 01:15
Did it work?! Hope it did!
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Posted on: Tue, 05/25/2021 - 13:32
I’m 35. Weigh 200 lbs 5’
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Posted on: Wed, 12/02/2020 - 13:24
I'm 13 and i'm 5 foot, 9.5 inches and weight 195 and my max bench press is 270.
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Dafydd Elis Gri...
Posted on: Thu, 02/24/2022 - 11:00
what u benching now that 2 years has passed ?
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Bobs Vagene
Posted on: Tue, 12/01/2020 - 13:45
I just turned 54 months old and just benched 405 for easy 10 reps no spot baby! I only snorted 2 grams of pop rocks this time too.
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Seamus Robinson
Posted on: Tue, 10/20/2020 - 00:42
I just turned 11 and can bench 315 for 6. When will I be able to bench 4 plates?
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jaxon miller
Posted on: Mon, 09/28/2020 - 15:22
im 10 and bench 250
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Anthony Soden
Posted on: Mon, 09/21/2020 - 02:36
I was 12 and could bench 250. Is this unnaturally strong. I am currently 14 and probably close to 2x as strong as I was.
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Posted on: Sat, 03/16/2024 - 21:14
You are a silverback gorilla. You should be proud of yourself
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Chris Negich
Posted on: Wed, 08/19/2020 - 00:25
I am 20, I weigh 164 and finally hit a 300 bench. Im completely natural and I’m going all in to break the natural bench press record.
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Posted on: Wed, 08/19/2020 - 09:03
Nice, Chris! Keep grinding!
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Posted on: Fri, 05/22/2020 - 16:30
At 14 yrs old, I was a 113 lb high school freshman. At the end of the year, I maxed 235lbs on bench. i mentioned this to a friend and he was shocked and called me a liar. Was i unnnaturally strong?
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Posted on: Sat, 03/16/2024 - 21:09
Seeing is believing. Take him down to the gym
show him what you've got. I personally don't come
across kids benching double their weight
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David f
Posted on: Fri, 05/22/2020 - 01:11
I’m 14 and can bench 265
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Posted on: Tue, 03/24/2020 - 00:22
Finally a chart that coverts my 700lbx12 bench set into a one rep max. Great stuff. Good to know I can aim for a shade over 900lb next time I max.
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Posted on: Mon, 02/10/2020 - 18:52
I am 49, my actual bench press is 365 with goal in mind of 405 soon. I am 6'2"and body weight of 270. Athletic body, not fat. I am starting to see my abs, I just need to lower that fat layer for summer time....
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Posted on: Tue, 07/07/2020 - 03:02
I have not worked out since freshman PE. I am now 32 years old 5’8 175. I recently purchased weights. I benched 250 squatted 300 and deadlifted 400. Bench was 100% effort squat and deadlift were tough but as I don’t want to hurt myself we’re not max effort. Is this respectable?
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Posted on: Mon, 02/03/2020 - 18:27
I'm 17 and weigh 140 lbs and my bench max 285 im going for 300 soon
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Posted on: Thu, 01/30/2020 - 05:46
I'm 32 and can bench 45kg for ten reps.
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Posted on: Tue, 01/14/2020 - 20:04
I’m 16 I weigh 138 pounds and I bench 205 pounds
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Mike Fisher
Posted on: Tue, 04/23/2019 - 19:02
My son is 16, going into his junior football season this year. He is 6' 225 lbs. and bench presses 325. Just to work boys!!!
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Posted on: Tue, 09/04/2018 - 18:28
I turned 15 a little over 3 months ago. I started weightlifting with my dad in March, and I've seen some major progress since then. When I first started, regular reps were 135lbs and my max was 165lbs. As of now (6 months later) My regular reps are 190lbs-200lbs, depending on how I feel, and my max is 230lbs.
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Joe random
Posted on: Tue, 07/17/2018 - 23:33
I’m 16 and weigh 195 and my pr is 225
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Posted on: Wed, 05/02/2018 - 23:32
im 14 and my max bench is 265 and i can get 225 for 5
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Posted on: Tue, 12/26/2017 - 12:07
I did 28 rep's of 225. What should my Max be?
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Posted on: Wed, 12/27/2017 - 09:24
Hi Tony,
Check this tool out:
Hope this helps!
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