Final Fantasy XIV Dialogue - TV Tropes (2024)

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  • During one of the Pugilist Class Quests, Hamon notes that the toads he's sending you after are huge, "and that means they have huge guts." He further advises you wait for an opening, then "rip and tear" through them.
  • At the start of one of the Bard Job Quests, Jehantel notes "That I took an arrow in the knee is what most folk believe..." regarding his retiring from archery.
  • The Goldsmith questline features several.
    • How does Gigi describe the Jade Fox, who is not Roroton, but Robert)?:
    • SeCrEtS aNd LiEs, SeCrEtS aNd LiEs! ThE mAn Is NaUgHt MoRe ThAn A mIsErAbLe PiLe Of SeCrEtS aNd LiEs!
    • When the Jade Fox is confronted, he tells Gigi that he has "an overdeveloped sense of justice. It's going to get you into trouble one day." During the same confrontation, while trying to convince Serendipity that he is innocent, Roroton says "Listen to your assistant; you know it to be true!"
  • When the Garleans are discussing The Ultima Weapon, Nero assures Gaius that he'll have it "fully armed and operational."
  • As part of the quest to gain the Harvest Dance emote, you must speak with a young boy who, among his musings, says, "Ummm...scoop with both hands, then look left, up, up, right, down... Or is it up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right? I wish she would let me take notes..."
  • At the end of a Ceremony of Eternal Bonding, the moogle officiant tells you that it's closing time, and while you don't have to go home, you can't stay there.
  • An NPC during the egg hunt event tells you that you know of the word and bird is not the word.
  • An NPC is selling pots and says "You get a pot! And you get a pot! Everyone gets a pot!"
  • During a flashback to the Battle of Carteneau, upon losing contact with his squad, Raubahn was trying to get in contact with them, screaming "Mad Snake? Mad Snaaaaaaaake! Answer me!", which in Metal Gear Solid is similar to one of the lines Colonel Campbell says when you get a game overFinal Fantasy XIV Dialogue - TV Tropes (1). What cements this as deliberate is that while [Adjective]+[Animal] is a valid Roegadyn name, neither character mentioned is a Roegadyn meaning they're using code names with a similar convention as Foxhound's.
  • Tataru when you first meet her is singing the "Trololo" songFinal Fantasy XIV Dialogue - TV Tropes (2).
  • When gathering donations from members of the church, one of the members shouts, "Be silent and take my gil!"
  • During one of the Hildibrand quests, the inspector asks Gilgamesh "Surely you can't be serious!?", to which he replies, "Grrr... Now you call me Shirley!?"
    • Later on in the same questline, Hildibrand surviving and recovering from what should have been a fatal poisoning is attributed to the fact that "he spent the past few years building up an immunity to zombie powder."
    • Hildibrand's rival detective is named Briarden and he introduces himself as "Consulting Inspector".
  • When Minfilia continues to press the investigation of Lahabrea without stopping to rest, Tataru remarks, "All work and no play makes Minfilia a dull Scion.
  • One FATE has a group of Imperial soldiers yelling, among other things, "The weak will be assimilated!" and "Resistance is futile!"
  • An NPC in Revenant's Toll, in the market area, is a man who would like to inform you that what you're carrying is "not a Knife. Now This is a knife!" while holding up a....collapsed fishing rod?
  • During the Allied Beast Quests, Tataramu muses that The Laughing Alchemists' motives are "a mystery wrapped in an enigma".
  • Famed "Tidus"-slayer Trachtoum can be found singing "They call me a workin' man, I reckon that's what I am" to himself.
    • But then when you show your face to him when it comes to Leviathan, he sputters "I have to lie to women to tumble 'em, an' that don't happen much! Me member's tiny, it's pathetic!"
  • During the 3.3 Hildibrand quest "The Gigi Situation," after Gigi puts back an expensive vase with his magic, Hildibrand and Nashu are rather nonchalant about it while Cyr has something to say about it.

    Cyr: Do not demean this mammet's power as a mere parlor trick! We just witnessed a miracle and I demand that you all acknowledge it!

  • During the 3.4 Hildibrand quest, "A Gazebo To Call Our Own," when Cyr asks the Exceedingly Experienced Treasure Hunter if she happens to be a long lost twin sister to an Ishgardian noble, she springs this gem.

    "What?! I... Er... Look behind you! A three-headed goobbue!"

  • During "Don't Trust Anyone over Sixty", Orland responds to Hildibrand's accusations by saying "You should feel ashamed of your words and deeds!"
  • When asked to expound upon the nature of corrupted crystals, the scientist Hahasako shouts, "O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!" Upon your return, Hahasako also uses the words "galumphing" and "chortle."
  • On the Scholar quest, "For Your Fellow Man", you have to cast Leeches on five invalids to cure them of their illnesses. Talk to the Heavy-eyed Invalid to learn her woes.

    "Can't sleep, mummer will eat me. Can't sleep, mummer will eat me."

  • In the Dark Knight quest "Ishgardian Justice", Fray quotes Clint Eastwood from the movie Unforgiven:

    Fray: The next knight who bears steel, I'm not only going to kill him, but I'm going to kill his wife, his friends, and burn his godsdamned house down!

  • During the Dark Knight quest "Heroic Reprise", while you're fighting off waves of Amalj'aa, Fray will shout "What a day! What a lovely day!"
  • During the Dark Knight quest "Our Compromise", your opponent will have this to say before the battle:

    Myste: I offer you peace! Restitution! A chance to make amends! Do not think you are above it! Do not think that a reckoning will be postponed indefinitely!

    • Continued after the battle is over, where he has a line that sounds eerily similar to a certain Queen of Inks:

    Myste: In your darkest hour, in the blackest night... think of me... and I will be with you. Always. For where else could I go? Who else could I love but you?

  • At a certain point during the Paladin quest "Fade to Black Lotus", you could demand that a kidnapper return the child he's holding. Otherwise:

    Burly Bloke: What do you want?

    Warrior of Light: I want your clothes, your boots, and your chocobo.

  • When Cid's Enterprise takes flight again in the 2.0 storyline, Alphinaud channels Captain Picard:

    Alphinaud: Enterprise, engage!

  • A broom in Matoya's Cave will greet you with "Evol gnipeews s'tel"
  • Zuro Roggo, a big singing poroggo and the first boss of the Antitower, laments that "It's... not easy being...<croak>..." after his defeat.
  • Inside the Rising Stones, when you talk to Yda, she says she "loves the smell of victory in the morning."
  • While promising her assistance in the search for the Garlean spy in 2.4, Yugiri points out that the investigation will require "a very particular set of skills" that she happens to possess.
  • In Mor Dhona, one lookout happily exclaims that they "can see clearly now the rain is gone".
  • In one of the Vanu Vanu tribe quests, one NPC, upon being intimidated by the sundrop dance, exclaims "My style is impetuous! My defenses are impregnable!"
  • In 3.2's Hildibrand quests, the dialogue box before accepting the first quest notes that "You cannot help but wonder if you are about to have a bad time." Later, when invited to wait in the gazebo outside of Fortemps Manor, Nashu panics at the prospect of being attacked by the gazebo. The poor guard talking with you two, plays the role of the exasperated Game Master

    House Fortemps Guard: "It''s a sodding gazebo..."

    • In the 3.5 quests, while trying to admonish Gigi, Hildibrand says that the world is their home, that they'll go "Where the Red Fern Grows"
    • After being stripped of his armor and left out in the cold, Orland returns to the scene complaining "I'm cold and there are malboros after me!"
  • In one of the daily moogle tribe quests, you get to slap a moogle that is being rude to you. In response, he replies "D-did you just... What... How can she/he slap, kupo?" which is a reference to the infamous video of an Indian reality tvFinal Fantasy XIV Dialogue - TV Tropes (3) show where one of the contestants slaps a woman after she slaps him, then yells "How can she slap?" repeatedly as multiple men on set dogpile him.
  • In the level 60 quest for Bard, Guydelot has his own criticism for the Final Boss.

    Guydelot: Your music is bad and you should feel bad!

  • During the briefing for "A True Kojin of the Blue" in Tamamizu, Saikoro mentions that he was out for a stroll in Kobayashi Maru.
  • During a quest to boost morale among the troops assaulting Castrum Meridianum, one lalafell responds:

    "YAAAAAH! I break my fast on Garleans! And right now, I'm very HUNGRY!"

  • During the quests for Alexander: The Creator, Alexander's ability to travel through time is repeatedly referred to as "the Wings of Time".
    • During the same quest, Quickthinx Allthoughts claims that "Time is a flat roundshape."
  • One character refers to a spy working for another as one of his "little birds."
  • A possible bit of dialogue in the Stormblood story: "There is no justice. Just us."
  • After deciding to head to Doma to spread Zenos's forces thin in Stormblood, Alisai ponders just how to reach Othard, quipping that it's not exactly "over the river and through the woods".
  • When the others mention being able to breathe underwater due to the gift of the Kojin tribe, Thancred, who wasn't present when this gift was bestowed on the player and a handful of the Scions, retorts with "I'll have you know, I can hold my breath for 10 minutes!" He later points out that he picked up this skill in a Pirates' Cove along with a knack for selling fine leather clothing (though Thancred specialized in belts rather than jackets).
  • One quest in the Ruby Sea will have you looking through bird nests for treasure. Searching the wrong one will bring up the message, "This is not the wildfowl treasure you're looking for."
  • At the conclusion of the Azim Steppe questline, the newly-crowned Warrior of Light can command the tribes to "Crush the imperials! Drive them before you!"
    • One of the Storm Commanders stationed at Camp Skull Valley will tell you that the Sahagin seek to "crush us, see us driven before them, and hear the lamentations of our women".
  • The final boss of Doma Castle, Hypertuned Grynewaht, charges into battle screaming "RIP AND TEAR!" Also notable is his opening taunt - "EORZEAN! COME OUT AND PLAY!"
  • Having just unleashed the combined artillery fire of the Alliance upon the gates to Ala Mhigo proper, what else would Vice Marshall Pipin say but "The enemy's gate is down!"
  • During one of the Red Mage job quests, you find a girl in a crate. When you introduce yourself, you can ask her two questions. "Are you okay?" and "Does a girl have a name?" If you ask the latter, what is her answer? "Arya."
  • After doing Hell's Lid, Tataru finds herself busy talking to a Red Panda auspice and tells the Warrior of Light to talk to the others, ending with "... and what does that fox have to say?"
  • During the Omega storyline, when the player's team is fighting their way to the Sigmascape, Nero deploys a new version of his Magitek Powered Armor and Gunhammer Mjolnir, now respectively called "Iron Nero" and "Mighty Mjolnir"
  • On the night before the attack on Doma Castle, Hien asks that you raise a glass to freedom. Later, just before you enter the dungeon, he will remark that History Has Its Eyes On You.
    • Later, during an Echo flashback with Raubahn, when the younger Flame General told Lyse's father, Curtis, that he was willing to die for Ala Mhigo, the rebel leader's response was succinct: "Dying is easy, (soldier). Living is harder."
  • As the fight against Titan draws closer and closer to his defeat, he declares himself Defiant to the End by telling you "to the last, I grapple with thee!"note
  • Upon starting the level 10 fisher quest, Sisspu notes a certain look in your eye.

    Sisipu: I know that glimmer! It's the... Eye of the Fisher! It's the thrill of the bite! Rising up to the challenge of our rival!

  • After commissioning an ode from the bard Aubrenard in the Leatherwork quest, he'll remark on one of his favorite lines in what he just penned. "So shines a good deed in a weary world."
  • During the fight with Yojimbo at the end of the Even Further Adventures of Hildibrand, right before he reveals himself as Gilgamesh, he says "The time has come, and so have I!"
  • Speaking of Yojimbo, when he sinks into the darkness to reveal himself as Gilgamesh, he doesn't do it in any ordinary fashion. He does it Terminator 2: Judgment Day style, giving a thumbs up.
  • In the 4.5 update, the battle between Hien and Magnai the Older has this exchange:

    Magnai the Older: Hmph, predictable!
    Hien: What!?
    Magnai the Older: Every step you will take, every move you will make -- the Sun sees all!

  • When one of the Mooglesguard is defeated a second time during the Thornmarch duty he will say "Ack, I'm bad at this."
  • Before heading off to deal with the "Black Sarcophagus" in one of the level 30 Rogue quests, Jacke promises you that "we'll get this' his little bomb, too!"
  • After unlocking the third tier of the Facet of Fishing, Frithrik asks if you're willing to go into Il Mheg to do some fishing. While you can respond that you know Feo Ul, the real kicker is saying "I ain't afraid of no gho--pixies."
  • During the prolonged fetch quest of the Return to Ivalice raid series, Hanco*ck shouts, "One man's ruse is another man's keikaku!"
  • Catching the dig site watchman in the act of poaching from the site in the quest "A Scandal in Komra" will have him admit to how he did so, then claim "and we would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those meddling kids. Also you, however old you are."
  • The Wandering Dramaturge's first attempt to describe your fight against Cid's memory of Emperor Varis is rather reminisicent of a JoJo meme:

    "You would dare approach me thus?" Lord Varis scoffed. "Where men of greater strength and mind both would flee, you dare commit to such folly?" To which the liberator coolly replied, "How else am I to smite thee save...erm...approaching..."

  • In the level 60 Paladin quest quotes The Simpsons:

    Jenlyns: Of course. It's so simple! ...wait, no it's not. It's needlessly complicated.

    • While in battle, Solkzagyl will also make another quote from the same episode:

    Solkzagyl: Yes! Fight and struggle!

  • The level 17 quest in Eureka has Krile tasking you with repairing a beacon with some Anemos Crystals. She claims that "Sixty percent of the time it works every time."
  • In the Vath quest, "Adventurers Don't Get Cold Feet", Jantellot of the Convictors mistakes the Vath Deftarm for a giant talking crab. Being very fond of eating crab, his thoughts drift if you talk to him again after the Deftarm walks off.

    Jantellot: Now I find myself wondering if enormous talking crabs taste the same as silent ones. Hmmm... Tastes like crab, talks like people...

  • Qeshi-Rae in the Facet of Gathering portion of the Crystal Mean Quests mentions that she wants to eat some of the samples you bring back, to which her thoughts were Hmm... Sacrilicious.
  • In the Moonfire Faire 2020 event, when charging up the Bold Bombard, it will say "URGE TO BLOW...RISING!"
  • Senri, a cat auspice, claims they could kill you five times before you hit the ground.
  • Hildibrand quotes The Simpsons episode Cape Feare while stealing a key from a jailer in Kugane.

    Hildibrand: And turn and flex and shake and bounce!

  • After the Dohn Mheg dungeon in Shadowbringers, Ardbert tells the Warrior of Light that, "the first rule of dealing with the Fuath is ''do'' not deal with the Fuath!"
  • Mogmont in the sidequest "An Immaculate Home": "This aggression will not stand, kupo!"
  • In Dwarf Best Tribe quest "Chief Concerns", Ronitt rolls in with a troop of tankards while singing "The hills are alive with the sound of...TANKS!♪"
  • During The Rising 2020, the quest "Glass from the Past" has J'Behn Tia reveal that his stained glass picture of Nanamo Ul Namo was accidentally broken by kids who got a little too close to the picture. While the nicer option would call for a reenactment of the scene with the Warrior of Light offering to be Nanamo (especially hilarious if they're a male roegadyn or hrothgar), they can be a little bit vindictive by recommending six people (possibly the Thaumaturge guild plus Cocobusi) until they cut themselves off and say their punishment must be more severe.
  • While tracking spots of frozen blood across Coerthas' western highlands in the level 54 Paladin quest, if you talk to Constaint before investigating one of the spots, he'll say to himself "Hope this is not Solkzagyl's blood..."
  • During the level 35 Ninja job quest, "Once Upon a Time in Doma", Karasu Kanshi, ambushing you at Fool Falls, announces himself with "Who is the more foolish: the fool of Fool Falls, or the fool who comes here without realizing he's been followed?"
  • In Sui-No-Sato, there are two Auri men at a table. The man in pink is berating the man in black for his heavy drinking.

    Au Ra: Water, water, everywhere and all you do is drink!

  • In an early dialogue exchange with Magnai, he dismisses a female Warrior of Light as not ethereal enough to be his soul mate. One of her possible responses is, "I'm your rolanberry."
  • Endwalker:
    • Upon reaching the moon and meeting the Loporrits, you're given the opportunity to sample one of four types of carrots. The blue "Philosopher's Carrot" briefly opens your mind to the universe, from the mysteries to the transformative truths. And ends with the number forty-two lingering in your mind.
    • Similarly, in Ultima Thule, the last area of the game, an NPC asks you what the meaning of life is as part of an aether current sidequest. One of the answers is simply 42, and will have the NPC praising you for recognising it.
    • Before departing for Endwalker's The Very Definitely Final Dungeon, the Warrior of Light has a drink with Thancred, Y'shtola and Urianger. The latter proceeds to get absolutely drunk and is confused at how his fellow Scions have conjured simulacrums of themselves with doubling magick, finally scoffing "very well then, keep thy secrets" when the baffled Warrior of Light can't explain it.
    • While investigating the cause of M-017's erratic behavior in Ultima Thule, the player is tasked with pointing out oddities in the former's behavior via a first person sequence. The sequence plays out like a tell-spotting scene in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, with the player striking the iconic "Objection!" pose from the Ace Attorney series after the player points out that one of M-017's joints has an intermittent electrical surge going through it:

      M-017: ...An anomaly, you say? Performing diagnostic... Error confirmed. My connection to central command is suffering from intermittent failures. I must leave at once and present myself for maintenance at the nearest facility. You will excuse me.

      Companion: What you need, my friend, isn't maintenance. It is to confront the truth.

    • One of the doomed worlds described by Meteion was a planet that met its end by being encased in ice, which was how the world ended in Cat's Cradle.
  • Defeating the Rainbow Golem in the Excitatron 6000 will have it utter "So you have chosen... fortune?" before dropping dead.
  • In the 6.15 Hildibrand quest, "The Sleeping Gentleman," the Warrior of Light/Darkness gets a vision of Hildibrand's arrival in the First during Elidibus summoning Shades of Light. He happened to be right in the war path of Giott, who mistakes him for a shade and gives him a "Dwarven decking."

    Giott: Piss off, ghost!

  • The jump puzzle that debuted in Moonfire Faire 2018? It's known as the Eorzean Nimble Warrior.
  • During the Level 74 Tank role quest in Shadowbringers, Granson screams "He can't keep getting away with it! He... He can't keep getting away with it..."
  • In one of your interactions with Margrat, she offers you an opportunity to work further with her in exchange for scrips. One of the Warrior of Light's replies is "Compensation? Benefits? 'Sod you, pay me' as they say."
  • Ibuki, one of the Sharlayan scientists you meet in Margrat's Custom Delivery quests, mentions the difficulties of creating new materials for arms and armor, saying that adventurers always demand them to be harder, better, faster, and stronger.
  • In the Monk story quest, "Return of the Monk", optional dialogue from D'zentsa has her cheering the Warrior of Light on.

    D'zentsa: No mercy, [player name]! Sweep the leg!

  • During the Manderville quest "Lunar Conspiracy", you'll come across a field of Hildibrand clones and to explain what's going on, you're given two dialog options. One of them is "They're phantoms created by the refraction of starlight from swamp gas".
  • During the Manderville quest "Of Duplicity and Duplication", when confronting Dr. Lugae, again, Hildibrand points to him and says "How many times must we teach you the same lesson, shiny skull man?"
  • When accepting Wuk Lamat's request in Endwalker, you can have the Warrior of Light say that they're excited to "boldly go where [they've] never gone before".
  • During the healer role quest "Taste of a Toxin Paradise", Ellerete describes her villainous deeds as "just a little poison [...] as a treatFinal Fantasy XIV Dialogue - TV Tropes (4)".
Final Fantasy XIV Dialogue - TV Tropes (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.