1. Shoulder Holster Pattern 4416 — Tandy Leather, Inc.
Shoulder holster pattern has adjustable cross-tab styling, buckle fasteners and shoulder harness. Includes patterns for different makes and styles of guns:
Shoulder holster pattern has adjustable cross-tab styling, buckle fasteners and shoulder harness. Includes patterns for different makes and styles of guns:Holster A fits: COLT: Detective Special, Agent, Cobra; SMITH & WESSON: Models 36, 37, 38, 60; CHARTER ARMS: Bulldog; Most other small frame revolvers.Holster B fits: COLT: Government, Commander; BROWNING: High Power; BARRETTA: Model 92; STAR: Auto, AMT: HardballerHolster C fits: COLT: Python, Diamond Back; SMITH & WESSON: All J, K & L Frames (N fits if unlined); RUGER: Speed Six, Security Six; TARUS: Models T65, T80, T82; DAN WESSON: All except 44 Mag.; Most other large frame revolvers.

2. Shoulder Holster - Patterns and Templates - Leatherworker.net
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i have lost my pattern to tandys stock number 4416 shoulder holster i have the instructions just need pattern if you can help. thanks

3. Shoulder Holster Pattern - Digital - Springfield Leather Company
Take a shot at this pattern! The SLC Shoulder Holster Pattern Pack features full-sized patterns and color instructions for 2 different holster sizes. The ...
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4. How to Make a Shoulder Holster (with Pictures) - wikiHow
Begin with a leather square. 1'x1' is a good starting size for this piece of leather if you're working with a standard pistol. For a larger handgun, cut it to ...
A shoulder holster is a holster mounted on a shoulder strap instead of on a belt. It makes it possible to hide a weapon even if the front of your coat is open. You can make the entire thing yourself, starting with the holster and then...

5. Pattern, Shoulder Holster - Springfield Leather Company
Take a shot at this pattern! The SLC Shoulder Holster Pattern Pack features full-sized patterns and color instructions for 2 different holster sizes. ...
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6. Strongside Holster Patterns - EDC Leather
Shoulder Holster Pattern Pack · Click and Ship · StrongSide Holster Click n Ship ... Home / PDF Patterns (download only) / Pancake Patterns Downloadable / ...
FNS 509c, FNS 9, FNS 9c, Glock G17, Glock G19, Glock G21, Glock G26, Glock G42, Glock G43, Glock G48, HK VP40, Ruger Maxx 9, Ruger Security 9, Ruger SR9, Ruger SR9c, SCCY cpx1&2, S&W MP9, S&W MP9 mod2, S&W Shield 9, SIG 220, Springfield Hellcat, Springfield XD45, Springfield XD45 subcompact, Springfield XD9, Springfield XD9 subcompact, SPRINGFIELD XDE 3.3, SPRINGFIELD XDS .45, Springfield XDS 4.0, Taurus 24/7, Taurus 709slim, Taurus G2C, Taurus G3C, Taurus G3, Taurus G4x, Walther P99
7. Printable Leather Shoulder Holster Pattern
Downloadable Holster Free Printable Leather Holster Patterns. Printable Leather Shoulder Holster Pattern. Web leathercraft library shoulder holster pattern ...
Printable Leather Shoulder Holster Pattern
8. Digital Patterns - Adams LeatherWorks
Makers of quality leather holsters, tutorials and other cool stuff! ... Apple AirTag Leather Keychain PDF Pattern. Regular Price$4.95Sale Price$2.48 ...
Adams LeatherWorks