By:Ken Wilson
Weeds are an age-old nuisance, whether they crop up on the lawn, in a flower bed, or alongside a fence. These weeds ruin the aesthetics of your yard and make it unsightly and unkempt. They will also weaken your beloved plants as they will compete with the available sunlight, nutrients, and water.
The worst part is that weeds may keep coming back regardless of the treatment or preventative measures you set in place.
If you're looking for a reputable weed killer, Pastora Herbicide is the top pick by many homeowners. This dry-flowable granule selective herbicide helps control both broadleaf and grassy weeds either as a pre-emergent or post-emergent. But, it is specifically designed for range and pasture use.
What is Pastora Herbicide?
Pastora herbicide is registered to use for:
- Sanbur control
- For Bermudagrass pastures and hay meadows
- Non-crop areas
The Pastora herbicide is a dry-flowable granule herbicide that Bayer manufactures. It is mainly designed for use on agricultural sites. Commonly, it is mixed in water and has a uniform broadcast spray application. Unless otherwise specified on the product label, you will need to use a spray adjuvant for the spray mix. It is non-flammable, non-corrosive, and won't freeze.
Pastora herbicide is known to control common lawn weeds such as bahiagrass, johnsongrass, and sandbur (along with 26 other types of grass in agricultural fields and ranges). Many livestock farmers and managers use Pastora to ensure good-quality forage for horses, cattle, and other livestock that feed on bermudagrass.
Aside from agricultural use, it also offers postemergence control on grassy weeds and residual control on broadleaf weeds for meadows and rights of way.
Hay and Forage
Pastora Herbicide is known to help hay and forage have good-quality, weed-free bermudagrass pastures, and hayfields. These crops are less likely to compete for nutrients and moisture. This product is designed to control different undesirable grasses and broadleaf weeds, which can easily take over your lawn in such a short amount of time.
Thus, it protects you from getting lower hay value and exposing your livestock to toxic substances. Many applaud the outstanding control Pastora Herbicide offers, leading to high-quality hay and forage producers.
Control troublesome broadleaf and grassy weeds
For vegetation managers, Pastora Herbicide is also an excellent product that controls stubborn broadleaf and grassy weeds that obscure sightlines. This allows you to say goodbye to potential hazards on highways and other rights of way (airports, railroads, and utilities).
The product also improves bermudagrass's overall health and aesthetics since they are less likely to compete for moisture and nutrients as they grow.
Avoid using Pastora herbicide in the following Colorado counties: Alamosa, Costilla, Conejos, Rio Grande, and Saguache. It is also not suitable for use on athletic fields, tennis courts, golf courses, and other high maintenance turfgrass areas.
Controlled Broadleaf Weeds and Brush Species
Pastora herbicide can control (or suppress) a wide variety of broadleaf and grassy weeds, such as:
Broadleaf Weeds
- Buttercup
- Common broomweed
- Crotons
- Curly dock
- Dogfennel
- Henbit
- Pigweed
- Sneezeweed
- Texas groundsel
- Thistle complex
- Plantain
Grassy Weeds
- Bahiagrass
- Barnyard grass
- Broadleaf signalgrass
- Crabgrass (suppression)
- Foxtails (bristly, giant, green, yellow)
- Goosegrass (suppression)
- Itchgrass
- Johnsongrass
- Sandbur/grassbur
- Ryegrass (non ALS resistant)
Needed Tools
Here's a step-by-step guide: since Pastora herbicide is usually applied as a uniform broadcast spray (ground or aerial equipment or as a spot treatment).
How to Use Pastora Herbicide
Since Pastora herbicide is usually applied as a uniform broadcast spray (ground or aerial equipment or as a spot treatment), here’s a step-by-step guide.
Step 1
Measure the square footage of your yard and use the information to mix the right amount of herbicide with water in a hand-pump sprayer. Experts recommend using 1 to 2.5 oz. and 100 gallons of water per acre.
Step 2
Depending on the severity of the weed infestation, you must proceed to do broadcast spraying or spot treatment. Most importantly, ensure that the lawn is getting even coverage using a fan spray setting.
Step 3
If the weeds are still persistent, you may reapply the Pastora herbicide after 14 to 21 days if you want to. Repeat as necessary to totally ensure total weed control for the entire season.
Where to Use Pastora Herbicide
Pastora herbicide is registered safe to use on bermudagrass pastures and hay meadows. It is mainly utilized for non-crop areas and rights-of-way. To ensure the product is registered in your state, it would be best to check with your state extension or the Department of Agriculture first.
When to Use Pastora Herbicide
Apply Pastora herbicide to young, actively growing broadleaf or grass weeds to get the best results. Do this during spring green-up, where annual grasses are no taller than 2”. Existing weeds that are frozen by weather conditions or hardened off by drought stress may be challenging to control.
Safety Information
Before applying Pastora herbicide, always put on the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as a face mask, long-sleeved clothing, gloves, and goggles for your safety. Although the product is labeled as safe for pets and kids as per its label, it’s best to have them vacate the treated areas until they are thoroughly dried.
What are the Benefits of Pastora treatment?
Can restore damaged bermudagrass pastures (saving you cost, time, and manual labor)
Ensures land and pasture improvement
Improves the quality and productivity of bermudagrass pastures
Known to effectively control or suppress essential perennial grasses and emerged summer annuals
Can control annual winter grass and broadleaf weeds before the first hay cutting. This ensures you premium hay yield.
Delivers a broad spectrum of grass and broadleaf weed control to give you visibly cleaner bermudagrass
What are the Drawbacks of Pastora treatment?
Pastora herbicide may not be as effective on some key species, such as crabgrass, dallisgrass, and sedges.
A month after the Pastora treatment, there may be visible bare patches in the treated bermudagrass stand. These are from weed control, where the competition already crowded out the weed. Bermudagrass will fill in these patches gradually, depending on the rainfall and the soil’s fertility.
Pastora has weak soil activity. Hence, excessively wet summers may shorten your weed control treatment because of the additional weed germination flushes.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the active ingredients in Pastora herbicide?
The active components in Pastora are nicosulfuron and metsulfuron-methyl (Group 2 herbicides).
How does Pastora herbicide work?
Pastora herbicide is absorbed by weeds through their foliage and roots, thus inhibiting their growth. From 1 to 3 weeks after application, the leaves of susceptible plants turn light, yellow, or yellow-white, and the growing point dies.
About 4 to 6 weeks after application, the final effects on annual weeds are visible. Following application, the most significant impact on perennial weeds occurs during the growing season.
Is water required to use Pastora herbicide effectively?
To move Pastora herbicide into the weed root zone, one to two inches of rainfall or sprinkler irrigation (enough to saturate the top 2 to 3 inches of soil) may be required. Weeds that germinate after treatment will not be controlled unless there is enough rainfall or sprinkler watering to carry Pastora into the weed root zone.
Can livestock still graze in areas where Pastora is applied?
When using Pastora herbicide as directed, there are no grazing or haying restrictions for non-lactating or lactating livestock such as cattle, horses, sheep, goats, and other animals. Pastora does not require grazing animals to be moved off the pasture before, during, or after application.
Can Pastora be applied via ground spot applications?
Backpacks, ATVs, and hand sprayers can all be used to make spot applications. The foliage and stems must be covered entirely to achieve the best results.
Use a cone jet nozzle with an X6 to X12 or equivalent with an adjustable orifice size. The quantity of products needed depends on the height and density of the weeds or brush and the application equipment utilized.
Does Pastora require a surfactant to be effective?
Pastora herbicide applications must include a surfactant unless otherwise indicated. In most cases, nonionic surfactant (NIS) is the preferred surfactant. Surfactant products having a hydrophilic/lipophilic balance (HLB) greater than 12 must contain at least 60% NIS. Additionally, unless expressly prohibited by tank-mix partner labeling, ammonium nitrogen fertilizer and anti-foaming chemicals can be used.
Before using other adjuvant systems, check with your local Bayer CropScience LP fact sheets, technical bulletins, and service policies.
About the author
Ken Wilson
Long time career in the home services industry from remodeling to patio construction. Currently residing to in SWFL and active contributor to multiple home & garden publications.