The Daily Iberian from New Iberia, Louisiana (2024)

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The Daily Iberiani

New Iberia, Louisiana

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The Daily Iberian New Iberia La Thursday December I -Page 2 1 -Jj 1 iiim! wuuii iihiiih iwjrjiniini wjiywwwimi ap waif i'ii ifeVri Tn ii' i Mr i'-rVn i- SPECIALS FRI SAT DEC 7 8 SPECIALS FRI SAT DEC 7 8 REGISTER 1 1 REGENT FINEST LIGHT CRUST FOR NEW 1963 CHEVY II ALSO FREE GROCERIES 23 I S3 1 'i 5-Lb Box 25 LB BAG QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED JHS Dora Robin Honor Rolls Ars Announced Today movie passes fm? awarded their classes first J2 sysraifaas and APril Roy tied April Roy won the pass of the High School are the follow- IlSh class) Ted and ilike class) Jack- aeTRiif1 mans class eCCa JudiCe' and CWvi( class) iWaikcr Roger Brous- Lancon FourroiUi: and Mark 8th Randall Godley Paula Cyr Stephanie Guillot Catherine Lan-dJ) Jackie Bedwell Harold Brous- Cathy Moceri Carole Close Pat Green Glenda Lancon Ginger Landry and Millard Bonm 10th Bonnie Dooley Barbara Baudry Loretta Duion Sue Ann Hebert JoAnn Landry Nicky Col-letti and William Monnin 11th Cynthia Mouret Martin cGraveilc Jovana Gerami Charlotte Hebert 12th Helen Faulk April Roy Jay Ayco*ck Janice Judice Leslie Kern Linda Rogers Charles Bourque Dave Mouret and Chester Songne Mrs 1st: Larry Fortenberry winner drew Cynthia Ashton Becky Landry Becky Bo-din Barbara Dooley Tommy Brown Cheryl Broussard Mrs 1st Jerry Landry winner drew Barry Baudry Meda Derouen Carla Domingue James Landry Melanie Foco Miss 1st Terry Esklnd drew Maxine Gary Irwin Guillotte Miss 2nd Jeanette Guillotte Miss 3rd Annette Holbrook Mrs 2nd Cynthia She-rville Mrs Seneffs 2nd Belinda Ver-ret Mrs 3rd Johnny Hart-wick Mrs 3rd Wayne McKenzie Mrs Woods 4th Margaret Brown Mrs 4th Waldon Duhon Mrs 5th Glenn Clement Mr 5th Joette Gary Kaycees Slate Cake Walk Ok Saturday PM Blackburn PET EVAPORATED GREEN GIANT CREAM STYLE-303 Can GOLDEN SWEET CORN i i 'i 4 MILK 3 tall cans 39c FOR gal PIONEER Ballard or Pillsbury FOR Green Giant 303 Style Blue Plate Quart Size PEANUT BUTTER 79c 9041 Finest Quality Swift's Worthmore Del Monte Family Size KETCHUP Jeanerette The Jeanerette Knights of Co- lumbus Council 1425 will hold cake walk on Saturday December 8 at 3 pm at the corner of Main and Minvielle Boulevard benefit is for the KC youth expansion program All members and: others who wish to donate cakes for this purpose are asked to con- tact Mrs Lucy Provost The Youth Expansion program! funds are used annually to help! finance the KC Youth camps and! Catholic Student centers at col- leges and universities throughout the state 25c BACON lb 39c 1 Blue Plate 303 Green Beans 15c Blue 4Vi-oz SHRIMP 49c I Finest OLEO Lb 19c Dixie Fresh Whole Stewing RED DELICIOUS APPLES LEGAL NOTICE SHERIFF SALE 16TII JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF IiiERIA STATE OF LOL1SLVNA 12 fer 49c KRAUSE AND MAXAGAX INC VS NO 22281 JAMES LAPEROUSE Fresh Boston Butt Pork Fresh Juicy BOAST lb 39c ORANGES 5-lb bag 39c Nabisco Ritz CRACKERS 12-oz Pkg 32c Notice is hereby given that by virtue of seizure and sale issued! out of the above entitled and num- bered causa and to me Gerard II Wattigny Sheriff duly I sworn and qualified in and for the Parish of Iberia La have seized IE and will of-'er for sale and will sell at public auction for cash to the last and highest bidder at the' front door of the Court House in the City of New Iberia La be-j tween legal sale hours starting at 10 am on Wednesday January the following described proper-i ty to-wit: A certain lot of ground with all buildings and improvements there-1 on and thereunto belonging with: all rignts ways privileges a servitudes thereto appertaining situated in the City of New Iberia Green Giant Niblet's CORN 12-oz Can 2 Cans 37c Nabisco Premium CRACKERS Lb 29c Fresh Lean GROUND MEAT ib 49c i Fresh Dixie Farm Whole i 27c McCormick 2-oz Vanilla 45c Cleaner Wash FAB Giant 69c Brillo 10's SOAP PADS 25c Clorox Vx Gal BLEACH 37c Alcoa Reg 25' HOUSEHOLD WRAP 35c Scott Family NAPKINS 2 for 27c Ajax Giant CLEANSER 20c 2-oz Root Beer 23c Giant AD Octagon Laundry Soap 2 23c Bath Sizo Soap 2 29c Reg Sizo Soap 3 29c Colgate Pun Bath I Floriont Air 6-oz Liquid Ajax Soaky 69c Deodorant 79c Cleaner qt 64c 79c and parallel lines of One Hundred1 (100) Feet bounded on the North -by Lots 4 and 5 of Block 2 of Fontelieu Addition on the South by Juanita Street on the East by! Lot 24 of Block 2 of Fontelieu Addition and on the West by Lot 22 of Block 2 of Fontelieu Being LOT 23 Block 2 Subdivision according to a plat' -of survey thereof by Howard! Fenstermaker Jr dated Septem-! ber 12 1955 recorded at Miscellaneous Book 9 Folio 89 of the Pub-: lie Records of Iberia Parish Lou- jj? isiana Being a portion of the same 4 Droperiy acquired by James Laperouse from Junius McJimsey at COB 358 Folio 334 tinder En- jry No 113432 of the Public rds of Iberia Parish Louisiana To pay and satisfy the sum of I Ten Thousand and No-100 0000) Dollars with interest there- jn at the rate of Six (6 per cent) oer cent per annum from Febru- ary 9 1960 until paid as well as I en per cent fees on the principal and interest and all costs )f these proceedings Given officially this 4th day of December 'A 1962 Gerard Wattigny Sheriff of Iberia Parish By: Walter Le Blanc Walter LeBlanc Civil Deputy December 6 1982 January 4th 1S83 r' Pink Cashmere Bouquet Reg Size Soap 3 29c Cashmero Bouquet Bath Size Soap 2 29c Powdor Largo Liquid Vel qt 65c I Vel 259c Super Suds 59c Bath Sizo Rog Beauty Bar 23c Beauty Bar 19c FREMIN SON FOOD STORE SHERVILLE'S GROCERY THERIOT'S GROC MKT MYER'S GROG MKT BROUGHTON'S GROC MKT Main St POLO FOOD STORE Iberia St MIGUES GROC MKT Rosier St ARMENTOR GROC MKT Pershing LELEUX SON Abbeville Hwy rv 'T.

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The Daily Iberian from New Iberia, Louisiana (2024)


Who are the founding families of New Iberia? ›

Included in these families were the founding families of New Iberia: Miguel Romero, Juan Garrido (Gary), Gonzalo de Prados, Juan Miguez, Sebastián de Segura, Antonio Villatoro (Viator), Francisco de Ortiz, Juan López, and Grenadier, Gabriel López.

What is the New Iberia crime rate? ›

New Iberia Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes193885
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)7.0332.21

What is the nickname of the New Iberia? ›

New Iberia, also known as "The Berry," is on the move.

Who owns the Daily Iberian? ›

Carpenter Media Group announced the purchase of the 132-year-old newspaper, buying it from Arizona-based Wick Communications in a deal that became effective Wednesday, the Daily Iberian reported on Wednesday.

What was the first daily newspaper in Europe? ›

Einkommende Zeitungen

What is the race population of New Iberia? ›

New Iberia Demographics

White: 46.58% Black or African American: 44.71% Two or more races: 6.28% Asian: 1.56%

What city has the worst crime rate in the US? ›

The article explores the 10 most dangerous cities in the United States for the year 2024 based on data analysis of violent crime rates, including homicide, robbery, and assault. Detroit, Michigan, tops the list with a staggering violent crime rate, followed by cities like Memphis, Tennessee, and Baltimore, Maryland.

What country has the worst crime rate in the world? ›

  1. Venezuela. Venezuela has a crime index of 83.76, the highest of any country in the world. ...
  2. Papua New Guinea. Papua New Guinea has a crime index of 80.79. ...
  3. South Africa. South Africa has the third-highest crime rate in the world. ...
  4. Afghanistan. ...
  5. Honduras. ...
  6. Trinidad and Tobago. ...
  7. Guyana. ...
  8. El Salvador.

How old is New Iberia, Louisiana? ›

New Iberia, Louisiana
Laid out1835
Incorporated (city)1839
17 more rows

What is the sister city of the New Iberia? ›

To do that, the city is welcoming a special group of guests. "We're lucky enough to have 18 delegates from our sister city, Alhaurin de la Torre in Spain, to come and celebrate our festival with us," Bee said.

What is made in New Iberia, Louisiana? ›

Today the area — which is home to world-famous Tabasco® brand Pepper Sauce and Jungle Gardens on Avery Island — is renowned for its food, music and festivals, which draw from the melting pot of Spanish, French, African-American, Lao and Creole heritage.

What city has the lowest crime rate? ›

#1: Greenwich, Connecticut. Greenwich earns the title of safest city in the United States, based on 2022 data. Its violent and property crime rates are a fraction of the Connecticut state averages, which are already lower than the national average. Residents love the coastal location and proximity to New York City.

What place has the lowest crime rate in the world? ›

Snapshot. Iceland has been the safest country in the world for the 14th year in a row, according to the Global Peace Index.

Is New Iberia a city or town? ›

New Iberia (French: La Nouvelle-Ibérie; Spanish: Nueva Iberia) is the largest city in and parish seat of Iberia Parish in the U.S. state of Louisiana.


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.