The Macon News from Macon, Georgia (2024)

The Macon News SATURDAY. SEPT. 19. 1953 PHONE 5-2801 $10.00 Madison A Exclusive new Style in Young Men's Hats You're a style leader when you wear a "Madison Avenue." The new smaller shape, distinctively tapered crown and crisp narrow brim are ahead of the trend. In Carbon with Black, and Black Oak with Carbon.

Other Knox Hats Established 1886 474 468 CHERRY ST. One Price to Everybody Stock Car Racer Hurt in Accident Charlie Tidwell, Macon stock: car racer, and two other persons are condition in the Macon 'Hospital today as a result of an auto accident night. Tidwell. his wife, Mildred, and Walter E. Cornwell of Warner Robins are all three patients at the hospital.

Bibb deputies reported that Tidwell was the driver of a car that went into a skid and crashed on U. S. Highway 41 near Seven Bridges. Cornwell was quoted as say: ing that the accident happened when Tidwell tried to avoid hitting a car and a truck. WEEK- END SPECIAL Treat yourself to a bunch of ROSES Sweetheart $100 RIVERSIDE FLOWER MARKET 1438 Riverside Drive Telephone 2-8602 CO Interest on your invested savings GUARANTEED by your Citizens Southern Bank SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Available on and after Juty 1, 1953 NOW -earn the highest interest any insured bank can offer.

Take advantage of this unusual combi. nation of earning power and bank security. Have your Cash and invest it, too! the CITIZENS SOUTHERN National Band Member Federal Insurance Deposit Corporation Answer to Previous Puzzle Argentina Antic ORE OPAL WELL LEAN ARNO VAN ACROSS 59 Harden 1 Argentina has 60 Sea eagle DE EN SHE an of DOWN DEM A POT ME 1,078,769 1 On square miles 2 Chest rattle DIRT 5 greatest 3 Ireland breadth is 4 Made amends about 930 APE miles 5 Sultanic BASS DELE GEE decree 8 Cape 6 Child 26 Grafted (her.) 40 Fear is its 7 Ocean vessels 27 Rave 41 Native southernmost point 8 Treat 28 Asseverate 43 Expert 12 Caustic 9 Butter 29 Weary 44 Heavenly 13 Decay substitute 30 Bodies of body 10 Erect water 45 Small 14 On the 11 Seines 32 Mineral 46 Poker stake sheltered side 15 19 Worm are in its 48 Persian poet Hodgepodge 16 Consumed 21 Tear mountains 49 Mountain pool 24 Cease 38 Fondle 50 Essential 17 Tidy 25 Shakespearean 39 City in The being 18 Indited king Netherlands 53 Mine shaft hut 20 Zeals 22 Compass point 23 Thousand 24 Winter vehicles 27 Reiterates 31 Number 32 Persian gateway 33 Contend 34 Cereal grain 35 Abstract being 24 25 26 30 36 Age 37 Principle 31 32 40 Buenos is its capital 34 35 42 Bustle 43 Grain beard 44 Looks fixedly 47 Signify 51 Fork prong 44 45 148 50 52 Frozen water 54 Eucharistic 52 wine vessels 55 Social insects 56 Spinning toy 57 Sailors 58 58 Cereal grains DEATHS and FUNERALS C. BURKHALTER C. Burkhalter, 81 Sept.

15 at his home at Penny Farm. Fla. Funeral services were held Thursday at the family cemetery at Screven, Ga Macon relatives surviving Mr. Burkhalter are a daughter, Mrs. Vera M.

Barker, and a grandson, Carl E. Barker, both of 771 Ponce De Leon Avenue. MRS. LAURA B. HOBBS COCHRAN Funeral services for Mrs.

Bollinger Hobbs. 56. of Cochran, who died Thursday in Macon, were held in the chapel of Fisher Funeral Home here today at 3 p.m.. with Rev. J.

C. Shirah officiating. Burial was in the Chester, cemetery. She is survived by a son, Wilborn Hobbs of Cochran; three Monroe Jury To Reconvene FORSYTH The Monroe County grand jury will reconvene Monday at 11 a.m. here with Judge Herbert R.

Edmondson of the northeastern judicial circuit presiding. The grand jury has been reportedly investigating the case of William Ogletree, condemned Negro murderer. whose death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment by Pardon and Parole restate Ogletree's sentence was commuted following a plea from Ben B. Garland solicitor general of the Flint Judicial Circuit, to the board. A former grand jury had investigated the case and asked that Garland resign which he refused to do.

The present jury was in recess to reconvene at the call of the foreman. Library Meet Set board of trustees of the Washington Memorial Library will hold its regular meeting Monday at 3 p.m. at the library. Bond Sales NEW YORK, Sept. 18 -New York bond sales, in dollars A Approximate final total Friday 2.190,000; previous day 3.720 000.

week ago 2,825,000: month ago 000: year ago two vears ago 2.713,00; Jan. 1 to date 561.862.140: 1952 to date 1951 to date 634,448,520. What Stocks Did NEW YORK. Sept. 18 Fri Thur Advances 245 466 Declines 612 380 Unchanged 241 277 Total issues 1098 1123 Stock Sales NEW YORK, Sept.

18 -New York stock sales -Approximate final total Friday 1.190.000; previous day 1.290.000: week ago 1.929,295 month ago 846.275: year ago two years ago Jan. 1 to date 257,456,956: 1952 to date 523; 1951 to date 1950 to date 362.845,883; 1949 to date 170,905,599. ADVERTIsem*nT NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC AND CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received by the County Board of Commissioners of Bibb County, at the office of the County Commissioners. Courthouse, Macon, Georgia, until 12:00 noon, Tuesday, September 29, 1953 for constructing curb and gutters and storm sewers on Flamingo Drive from Broadway to Heard Avenue, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. The project consists of furnishing all labor.

material, and equipment for the construction of and for furnishing the following approximate quantities: 5.875 Lin. Ft. concrete curb and gutters, 326 Sq. Yds. concrete driveways, 3775 Lin.

Ft. 15 30'1 and 36' storm sewers. 11 manholes. 18 catchbasins and incidental work. Plans and Specifications may be seen at the office of the County Commissioners or at the office of the County Engineer.

Courthouse. Macon, Georgia, or may be obtained there upon request, after a deposit of $15.00 has been made, of which will be refunded upon the return of the plans in good condition. Bids must be submitted on the proposal form furnished by the county. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check pavable to Bibb County, in amount of $1.700.00. Bidders bond will not be accepted.

The successful bidder will he required to furnish. at his own expense, a performance bond with two good and solvent securities, one of which shall be 8 corpoarte security, equal to of the total contract and a Public Contractors Bond equal to of the total contract. These bonds shall comply with the provisions of the Code of Georgia. Section 23-1703-23-1707 both in clusive. The corporate security on the bonds must be 8 surety company having an agent in Macon.

Georzia. Payment to the contractor will be based on monthly estimates prepared by the County Engineer as the work progresses. Each monthly estimate will show the total work completed to date. and payment will be made for of the estimate. The remaining will be paid within 30 days after the completion and acceptance of the work.

The right is reserved. as the Interest of the County may determine. to t'edect any or all bids. and to waive anv informality in bids received. The right is also reserved to increase or decrease the above quantities by any amount r.ot to exceed before or after letting the contract Envelopes containing the hids must be sealed addressed to County Board of Commissioners.

Courthouse. Macon. Georgia and marked: 'Bids for Curb and Gutters and Storm Sewers to be opened September 99. 1953 RIRR COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Bu Marvin Newberry, Clerk APPLICATION FOR LETTERS DISMISSION AS PERMANENT ADMINISTRATOR GEORGIA RIBB COUNTY BIBB COURT OF ORDINARY R. L.

Anderson as Permanent Adminkett late of said county. deceased. hav. istrator of the estate doe Annie M. Pluning filed his final return and represents to this court that he has fullv dis.

charged the duties of sald trust and made application for Letters Dismission. this therefore to notify all persons Interested that said application will be heard on the first Monday in October. 1953. WALTER STFVENS Ordinarv. Anderson Anderson Walker Relchert.

Attorneys APPLICATION FOR LETTERS DISMISSION AS PERMANENT ADMINISTRATOR GEORGIA RIBB COUNTY. BIRR COURT OF ORDINARY L. Anderson as Permanent Administrator of the estate of Carrie A. Child. ers (Childress) late of said county.

deceased, having filed his final return and represents to this court that he has fully discharged the duties of said trust and made application for Letters Dis. mission. this is. therefore. to notify all persons interested that said application will be heard on the first Monday in October 1952 WALTER C.

STEVENS. Ordinary. Anderson Anderson. Walker Retchert. Attorneys.

Founded 1899 harts MORTUARY Macon's Oldest Funeral Directors -InMacon's Finest Funeral Home Dial 2-5721 Carlton Thomas Withdraws Aid On City Booklet The task of preparing a booklet "report to the people" on the accomplishments of the Wilson administration was left to Attorney Paul Conaway today as Managing Editor Carlton Thomas of The Macon Telegraph withdrew from the project. Conaway and Thomas were hired by Finance Chairman Stanley Elkan to help with the booklet and were to be paid a total of $1.000 over a period of five weeks, Treasurer Frank M. Branan said. The Telegraph said editorially today "it is not advisable for executive and managerial personnel of the editorial and news gathering department to be associated in such a project, all safeguards that such association will not affect decisions in the editorial and news "For that The Telegraph said, "Mr. Thomas has severed his connections with the city's booklet project and will not participate further in its preparation." to publish the booklet have never been officially, announced by the city.

Macon News learned Friday that work had already started on the "report to the people" and that the project was undertaken by Elkan and a majority of council the face of opposition from Mayor Lewis B. Wilson. Alderman Elkan has been out of the city this week and has not been available for questioning on the size, content, cost or number of the do booklets to be distributed. Another "report to the people," authorized Water Board and prebaredacon Conaway, is expected to be distributed next week. New Vocational Course A course in Real Estate Principles and Practices will begin Sept.

22, at the Macon Vocational School. Thomas H. Hall III, local realtor, will be the instructor. Those interested may register by calling Jean Sheppard or Nancy White, Macon Vocational School. Telephone 3-7481.

Funeral Notices HOWELL. Needum Lee: Funeral services will be held in the chapel of Hart's Mortuary at 4 p.m. Saturday. Elder Cecil E. Darity will officiate and burial will be in the Sardis Cemetery.

NORGAARD. John Konrad: Funeral arrangements are incomplete will be announced later by Hart's Mortuary. ANDREWS. Mrs. Ardis Died a local hospital Sept.

18, 1953. Residence, 987 Highland Terrace. Funeral services will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday in Hart's Chapel. children out of the estate of Jewell Joe Hanson, late of said county, deceased, having filed thir returns to this office, this is, therefore.

to notify all persons interested, to file objections, if any they have or can, on or before the first Monday in October, 1953. or else said return will be made the judgment of this court. WALTER C. STEVENS. Ordinary.

CLOSED TODAY Religious Holiday DEAL'S LUGGAGE STORE SPECKLED TROU' OR CATFISH With Hush Puppies French Fries Cole Slaw Pickles-Onions-Lemon 85c We Prepare Anything on Our Menu to Take Out CAFE 2992 Vineville Phone 2-9305 Locally Owned Locally Operated WISHING WELL. Registered U.S. Patent Office. 5 7 3 6 8 2 5 3 6 A A A A A XA 3 I 2 6 3 8 2 6 5 2 5 3 8 6 5 8 A 3 4 2 8 6 3 6 8 I 8 I GL GO 6 2 3 8 is It a pleasant numerical little game that designed will give you a out message fortune. every dav.

is a puzzle to spell your Count the letters in your first name. If the number of letters is 6 or more, subtract 4. If the number is less than 6, add 3. The result is your key number. Start at the upper left- hand corner of the rectangle and check every one of your key numbers.

left to right. Then read the message the letters under the checked figures give you. Stab- Marred Body of Girl Presents Puzzling Mystery UPPER SANDUSKY, Ohio P- The body of a young, nightgownclad girl, her features almost obliterated by stab wounds, presented authorities with a puzzling slaying today. Sheriff Dean McAllister said he did not have a single clue to her identity. The body of the brown-haired Body of Airman Arrives Thursday The body of Airman First Class Herman Joseph Goodroe, who was killed in an airplane crash near Tokyo on June 18, will arrive in Macon His widow, the former Hazel Harper, 4064 Mikado Avenue, said funeral plans have not yet been completed.

Survivors include a young son, Sidney; his mother, Mrs. Fannie Cheatwood of Unadilla; four brothers, Marian Wesley of Macon and James anand Richard Goodroe of Hawkinsville; two sisters, Mrs. Irving Grimsley and Mrs. Bertha Simmons, both of Macon. DRIVE IN THEATRE STARLITE Open a at Dusk Playground and Rides FREE BUCK NITE DOUBLE BILL GEORGE O'BRIEN THE THREE STOOGES GOLD, RAIDERS Released thru United Artists -ALSOWARNER BROS.

ALFRED HITCHco*ck'S Confess! MONTGOMERY CURT ANNE KARL MALDEN BRIAN AHERNE MILAN MOM (00 PORT A Color Cartoon girl, believed to be between 18 and 25 years of age, was found Friday morning about 15 yards from a seldom traveled county road three miles north of here. Carl Getchell, a county engineer employe, checking the county road, told Sheriff McAllister he saw the body sprawled in a wooded area The girl was attired in a light blue cotton flannel nightgown and red low-heeled shoes. Officers described the victim as being five feet, four inche in height and weighing about 150 pounds. DIXIE DRIVE- -IN means 2320 Jeffersonville Road OPEN 6:30 DIAL 3-1136 NOW! 2 HITS! ROMANTIC ADVENTURE IN THE LAND OF THOUSAND HOLIDAYS LADY FROM LOUISIANA A RE- RELEASE JOHN WAYNE AND GREAT ADVENTURE! THE VANQUISHED COLOR BY Technicolor starring JOHN PAYNE JAN STERLING COLEEN GRAY LYLE BETTGER Color Cartoon DOUBLE FEATURE MOTO Battling Hundred HIT NO. Buckaroo Gunfights.

1 of a VUE THEATRE RANDOLPH Flaming SCOTT Fury With THE SAN Joel Frisco's McCrea FRANCISCO TECHNICOLOR Yvonne STORY WARNER ADELE JERGENS RAYMOND MASSEY DeCarlo BROS. ALSO COLOR CARTOON GRAND Devil's Canyon With Virginia Mayo Dale Robertson OWL SHOW CAPITOL DANGEROUS CROSSING RITZ Jeanne Crain Bowery Boys In STAND AT Clipped Wings APACHE rius RIVER THE VANQUISHED By Technicolor By Technicolor Stephen McNally John Payne Julia Adams AT THE THEATRES Open at 41 THEATRE under 12 17. DRIVE -IN Children 6:15 P. M. cars free Salome, Where Abbott and Costello She Danced By Technicolor in Society Yvonne De Carlo Showing at 7:15 Showing at 9:30 HOUSTON DRIVE- THEATRE IN On Houston Ave.

Edge of City Limits TONITE Late Show SOMETHING NEW! SOMETHING DIFFERENT! DARING! SPICY! ADULTS ONLY STRIP SCORCHES starring B'WAY'S MOST DE DE AS GIRLESQUE YOU LIKE Come Early and Stay Late! Health Board Meet The Macon Board of Health will meet at the City Hall Monday at 5 p.m. daughters, Mrs. Adeline Howard of Leesburg, Mrs. D. W.

Lord and Mrs. C. T. Wilcher, both of Macon; a sister, Miss Johnny Bolinger of Cochran and six grandchildren. NEEDUM LEE HOWELL Funeral services for Needum Lee Howell, retired farmer, who died in Tampa, Thursday, after an illness of several months, will be held in the chapel of Hart's Mortuary at 4 p.m.

Saturday. Elder C. E. Darity will officiate and burial will be in the Sardis Cemetery. Pallbearers will Gene Turner, Allen Watson, David Parker, Roy Warren, Robert Stanley and Phil Glaser.

Mr. Howell was born in Twiggs County, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howell, and had lived in Tampa for 20 years. JOHN KONRAD NORDGAARD Funeral arrangements for John Konrad Nordgaard, who died at his residence, 2729 Houston Avenue, Wednesday, after a brief illness, are incomplete and will be announced later by Hart's Mortuary.

Mr. Nordgaard, a veteran of World War II, was born Landa, N. and had lived in Macon for three years. He was a retired maintenance for the U. S.

Rubber Company in Eau Claire, and was a member of the Lutheran Church in Eau Claire. American Legion Post 74 in Macon, the Masonic Lodge 112 and the U. S. Local of the U. S.

Rubber Company. MRS. ARDIS G. ANDREWS Mrs. Ardis G.

Andrews, of 987 Highland Terrace, died in a local hospital Friday after a brief illness. Mrs. Andrews, the former Miss Gladys Snipes, was born in Bibb County, the daughter of Charles E. Snipes and Mrs. Ada Hodge Snipes and had lived here all of her life.

She was a member of the Baptist Tabernacle. Surviving her husband. Ardis G. Andrews, Macon: a daughter, Miss Adair Andrews, Macon: a brother, William E. Snipes, Miami, two sisters, Mrs.

F. D. Gober and Mrs. J. L.

Brundage, of Macon. Funeral services will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday in Hart's Chapel. Burial will be in Memorial Cemetery. Forecast by States GEORGIA: Partly cloudy and rather warm today with scattered showers extreme south portion; considerable cloudiness warm with scattered showers and possibly thundershowers tonight and Sunday.

SOUTH CAROLINA: Partly cloudy and warm today, and tonight; Sunday, mostly cloudy and warm with scattered ers and possibly thundershowers. NORTH CAROLINA: Partly cloudy and warm today, tonight and Sunday with scattered afternoon or evening thundershowers in mountains today and widely scattered afternoon thundershowers over state Sunday. FLORIDA: Considerable cloudiness, oc casional showers and thundershowers todav and Sunday. NORTHWEST FLORIDA: Cloudy 10 partly cloudy with scattered showers and thundershowers today, tonight Sunday: moderate to occasionally fresh easterls winds. A ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI and LOUISIANA: Cloudy to partly cloudy with scattered showers and thundershowers today, tonight and Sunday; gentle to moderate variable winds on coast.

LEGAL ADVERTIsem*nTS APPLICATION FOR LETTERS DISMISSION AS PERMANENT ADMINISTRATOR GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY. BIBB COURT OF ORDINARY R. L. Anderson as Permanent Administrator of the estate of Miss Daisy Tissereau late of said county.

deceased, having filed his final return and represents to this court that he has fully discharged the duties of said trust and made application for Letters Dismission. this is. therefore, to notify all persons interested that said application will be heard on the first Monday in October, 1953. WALTER C. STEVENS.

Ordinary, Anderson, Anderson, Walker Reichert, Attorneys. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS DISMISSION AS GUARDIAN GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY. BIBB COURT OF ORDINARY Mrs. Lillian Estelle Burney as guardian of Louis Carter and Patricia Carter (Butts) late of said county, deceased, having filed her final return and represents to this court that she has fully discharged the duties of said trust and made application for letters dismission, this is, therefore. to notify all persons interested that said application will be heard on the first Monday in October, 1953.


Mrs. W. Bryan as guardian of Mrs. Alice O. Hammock of said county.

having filed her final return and represents to this court that she has fully discharged the duties of said trust and made application for letters dismission. this is. therefore, to notify all persons interested that said application will be heard on the first Monday in October, 1953. WALTER C. STEVENS.

Ordinary. APPLICATION FOR TWELVE MONTHS SUPPORT GEORGIA BIBB COUNTY. BIBB COURT OF ORDINARY. The appraisers appoined to set aside a twelve months support to Mrs. Emily Blanche Hanson her four minor BIG DANCE TONIGHT SATURDAY 9 'TIL? Featuring Jimmy Anderson And His Orchestra $1 Per Couple Public Invited WHITE VFW CLUB 343 COTTON AVE.

18 DRIVE-IN HOUSTON THEATRE HOUSTON AVENUE EDGE OF CITY LIMITS TONIGHT 2 BIG THRILL HITS! RULES ARE OUT when two women fight for the same man in tropics' most dangerous port of call! "Tropic Zone" Technicolor Starring Ronald REAGAN Rhond FLEMING 2nd Thrilling Feature "HOLIDAY FOR SINNERS" -StarringGig YOUNG Janice RULE 2 Shows Nightly Starts At Dusk MACON'S FAVORITE BIBB THEATRE Telephone 3-1363 LAST TIMES TODAY THE FINEST STORY OF THE PIONEER WEST EVER FILMED SHANE COLOR' BY TECHNICOLOR ALAN LADD JEAN ARTHUR VAN HEFLIN JACK PALANCE SHOWS TODAY AT STARTING TOMORROW The "Bad and Beautiful" girl surrenders to the spell of the big Brazilian moon in M-G-M's new musical romance! LATIN LOVERS She's gorgeous an COLOR BY Technicolor STARRING LANA TURNER RICARDO MONTALBAN JOHN LOUIS LUND CALHERN with JEAN HAGEN EDUARD FRANZ An -G- Picture Shows at.

The Macon News from Macon, Georgia (2024)


Who was the serial killer in Macon GA? ›

Anjette Lyles (née Donovan; August 23, 1925 – December 4, 1977) was an American restaurateur and serial killer responsible for the poisoning deaths of four relatives in Macon, Georgia, between 1952 and 1958.

Who is the most famous person from Macon GA? ›

  • The Allman Brothers, Southern rock band.
  • Nancy Grace, television personality.
  • Sidney Lanier, poet and musician.
  • Augustus O. Bacon, U.S. Senator.
  • Jack McBrayer, actor, Wreck-it Ralph.
  • William Shepherd Benson, admiral in the United States Navy; first Chief of Naval Operations (CNO),
Aug 4, 2019

What percentage of the population of Macon is black? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Macon-Bibb County, GA are Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (54.3%), White (Non-Hispanic) (38.3%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (2.02%), White (Hispanic) (1.86%), and Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (1.72%).

Why are people moving to Macon GA? ›

One of the major pros of living in Macon is the low cost of living and low housing costs. Many also consider the climate a reason to move to Macon.

Who is the most famous serial killer in Georgia? ›

Wayne Bertram Williams (born May 27, 1958) is an American convicted murderer and suspected serial killer who is serving life imprisonment for the 1981 killings of two men in Atlanta, Georgia.

What is the name of Georgia's only recognized serial killer? ›

Samuel Little
Criminal penaltyFour life sentences without the possibility of parole
Victims60 confirmed, 93 claimed and suspected
Span of crimes1970 – 2005 (confirmed) 1960 – 2012 (possible)
11 more rows

Where is the best place to live in Macon GA? ›

  • Downtown. Live at the intersection of rich, southern history and modern innovation in Downtown Macon. ...
  • Ingleside. Including Ingleside Drive, Osborne, Vista Circle, Buford, and Hines Terrace, there's a perfect spot for you. ...
  • Lake Tobesofkee. ...
  • Wesleyan Woods.

Were there slaves in Macon Georgia? ›

He said for years, Macon's Black residents were told that Macon didn't have much to do with slavery in the past. This group was able to correct that when they found the records of 1,000 slave transactions, with each one containing up to 230 slaves.

Why is Macon losing population? ›

One-quarter of the city's population disappeared over the next four decades. Many explanations have been offered by demographers and other experts: Suburbanization. Integration. White flight.

What is the crime rate in Macon GA? ›

Macon Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes2,1285,601
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)13.6235.86

What is the poverty rate in Macon GA? ›

Currently, Macon has a 25% poverty rate, which is more than double the national rate of 11.5%. And according to Clark, 70% of the people living in poverty in Macon are Black.

Is it expensive to live in Macon Georgia? ›

The cost of living in Macon, GA is 5% lower than the state average and 14% lower than the national average. Macon, GA housing is 32% cheaper than the U.S average, while utilities are about 20% less pricey.

Is Macon a nice town? ›

We have great weather, small enough to have low commute times. Macon is a fun town! I moved here a few years ago and there are always new things to do and explore. It is welcoming and friendly.

What is the main industry in Macon Georgia? ›

The aerospace, advanced manufacturing, food processing, healthcare, professional services, and warehouse and distribution industries drive the economy in Macon-Bibb County.

Who was the serial killer Pierce in Georgia? ›

William Joseph Pierce Jr.

After his capture, he admitted his guilt, was convicted and sentenced to several terms of life imprisonment. In 1974, Pierce renounced his confession, but all of his subsequent appeals for a retrial were denied. William Joseph Pierce Jr. Midville, Georgia, U.S.

Who was the serial killer who fed burgers? ›

Joseph Roy Metheny (March 2, 1955 – August 5, 2017) was an American serial killer and rapist from the Baltimore, Maryland area.

Who is the most famous serial killer? ›

7 of History's Most Notorious Serial Killers
  • Jack the Ripper. We call him “Jack the Ripper,” but we don't really know who the person behind one of the older and most notorious murder sprees was. ...
  • Jeffrey Dahmer. ...
  • Harold Shipman. ...
  • John Wayne Gacy. ...
  • H.H. Holmes. ...
  • Pedro Lopez. ...
  • Ted Bundy.

What was the name of the Atlanta serial killer? ›

The infamous case of the Atlanta Child Murders came to a close in 1982 when Wayne Williams was linked to 22 of the total 29 murders of children, teenagers, and young adults who were killed in Atlanta between 1979 and 1981.


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Author: Jamar Nader

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.