The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1 1. THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, THURSDAY, JULY 1003 fround the World Salvadoran Airport Reported Bombed SAN SALVADOR (AP) Two Honduran war. planes bombed San Salvador's international airport early Wednesday and then strafed a border village, Salvadoran military sources said. No casualties or damage was reported. The reported attack was the first action in the war day when Honduras claimed a Salvadoran troops captured between the two Central American nations since Sunfive more of its villages.

It also came only six hours after cease-fire ordered by the Organization of American States. Philippines Tightens Security MANILA (UPI) Police Chief Col. Gerardo maya Wednesday expressed concern over three bomb incidents and said extra security precautions have been taken against possible leftist -provoked disorders during 1 President Nixon's visit this weekend. Tamayo said bomb attacks on the U. S.

tion Service Library and the South Vietnamese Embassy Tuesday night and discovery of a grenade at the American Consulate building early Wednesday formed a disturbing pattern. 6 Encyclical Called Eternally Binding VATICAN CITY (AP) -Pope Paul's encyclical continuing the Roman Catholic Church's ban on birth control is the final rule which is bending on all other future pontiffs, the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano said Wednesday. 3 It also declared Pope Paul himself never revise the encyclical "Humanae Vitae'- -or "Of Human -issued a year ago. The newspaper made its comments in an article marking the first anniversary of the encyclical, July 20. Those who dissent, the paper contended, are not "worthy children of the church." Soviets Promote 'Collective Asian Security' MOSCOW.

(AP), The government newspaper Izvestia said Wednesday the Soviet Union is "vitally interested in peace in Asta and feels a collective security system for that part of the world; is necessary." "Collective Asian security" was first put forward by Communist party chief Leonid I. Brezhnev at the world Communist conference last month, Peking denounced it as anti-Chinese. Izvestia charged that "imperialists" are setting up war blocs in Asia by deceiving the Asian public with "hackneyed tales of a Communist menace." 1 la' fround the Nation p*rnography Ring Broken NEW YORK (AP) A five-state p*rnography ring has been broken with the arrest of 10 people, the FBI said Wednesday. Two more are sought. Warrants sworn out Tuesday charged the 12 with transporting obscene photographs, magazines and movies from New York to Baltimore, Philadelphia, Minneapolis and Las Vegas, Nev.

The operation also included the sale of p*rnographic magazines and movies, the FBI said. If convicted. the defendants could get, five years and $5000 fines for each violation. Tot's Kidnaper Hunted BUFFALO, N. Y.

(AP) Police checked 30 vellow convertibles Wednesday and looked for more in their search for a woman believed to have kidnaped the baby daughter of a Mohawk Indian. "We haven't found a real clue yet," a police spokes. man said more than 24 hours after Patricia Ann Martin was reported taken from her stroller Tuesday, just a week before her second birthday. Detective Chief Ralph V. Degenhart said the baby's older sister, 8-year-old Shellie, told him a heavy-set woman had taken Patricia Ann.

The search was concentrated in Buffalo, but spread throughout Western New York. into other states and to Canada. Agree to Consular Exchange WASHINGTON (AP) The U'nited States has accepted a Soviet proposal for broadening official contacts by opening an American consulate in Leningrad and a Soviet consulate in San Francisco, the State Department announced Wednesday. A State Department note to the Soviet Embassy last Friday represents a tentative agreement in principle to a year-old Soviet proposal. press officer Carl Bartch said.

He stressed, however. that "no commitment was made." meaning that final agreement depends on negotiations which are expected to start soon. expect an agreement between the two countries by exchange of notes in due course," Bartch said. APPEAR GOLD JAM MASTERY BID GOOD JET MEALS DATE GOT JOKE MOLE DEALS HEAD LIVE DICLE DECEPTION HEALTHY LOSS WORDS for Saturday's Puzzle The WORD LIST below, together with the WORD LIST toi be printed here tomorrow, contains among others all the words necessary to make a correct solution of The Springfield Union's! Prize Crossword Puzzle, which will appear in The Union Saturday. Use the two WORD LISTS for assistance in Saturday's Prize Crossword Puzzle.

APPEAL GIVE HERD LOTS (Associated Press Wirephoto) A large tarpaulin protects Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's car from vandals found stripping the automobile for souvenirs at Edgartown, Mass. Police impounded the senator's car after it was involved in a weekend accident that took the life of Miss Mary Jo Kopechne, 28. 3'.

MARTHA'S VINEYARD Where Kennedy Case Wes Staying Herber Kennedy Said Took Wrong Turn ISLAND AR Where Girl Wes Held Conage Where Car Plunged 1 on bridge Was Staying South Deech Vasque Atlantic Ocean Point 1. (Associated Press Wirephote) Map locates key sites on Chappaquiddick Island and Martha's Vineyard which are mentioned in incident concerning Sen. Edward Kennedy and auto accident in which Mary Jo Kopechne was drowned. Was Kennedy In Shock After Crash new leads" into his investi- The six men at the party have been identified as Kennedy, an attempt to dispel Joseph. F.

Paul rumors that began as soon Markham, former S. atof the accident was made torney for Massachusetts; Ray public Arena, who recovered the La Rosa and Charles Trotter, of Miss Kopechne with who, with the other i of skindivers, said the three, crewed Kennedy's boat in secretary "was fully clothed Friday's yacht race; 'and John everything was buttoned Crimmons, Kennedy's driver. up." Three of the six girls have "If you'll forgive me" he told been identified. They are, Miss reporters, "if she hadn't been Kopechne, Miss Miss Esther wringing wet, it was as if she Newburg, and Milton, Maryellen getting ready to go work Lyons of assistant to a party because everything Sen. Beryl Cohen and a sister in place." of Nancy Lyons, a roomate of Mary Jo's.

He also clarified the status of Police Lt. George Killen, A purse belonging to Miss detective helping out in the the Rosemary dead woman Keough, who former -like -was a trooper, said a Killen former presidential campaign worker investigation. Arena, assisting was for the late Sen. Robert F. basis- a personal favor to car.

on sort of an informali Kennedy, was found Rio the Dr. Donald R. Mills, a medArena said he asked Killen to ical examiner, said a blood test question persons who attended a at police laboratories, party on Chappaquiddick Island showed Kopechne's little alcohol in Miss she 1--100 yards off Martha's Vine- system when yard- before the accident. died. No autopsy was performed, the persons at the party was he added, because "the cause of Miss Kopechne.

death was perfectly Wednesday that accidental drowning. other investigation is not com- contributing Autopsies, plete. "Not by. a long by law, are performed at the was quoted as saying. discretion of the medical are a lot of things iner.

to be done. It might be afternoon news 3 conweeks before a full report is ference, Steele said, "There is ready. We are going to have evidence in our files which we ask a lot of questions before will prosecute in the next few get what we want" George days as to the Kennedy (no relation to the Asked if "the problem" was senator), a registry official, Kennedy's whereabouts, Steele Wednesday. said, "I prefer not to comment DOWNTOWN Surnames DAYS Shoe Clearance 718 Pair Spring and Summer Foot Flair Caressa Air Step 1 Reg. to $22.00 $10 Size 4B Sample Shoes Regular to $21 NOW $7 All the current colors and materials All Sales Final NO MAIL PHONE C.O.D's.

defendant or any defendant." on it. I think it unfair to this Criminal Charges Unlikely, Police Chief Arena, frequently interrupted by Steele who answered many questions directed to the chief, said he had heard from Killen but if any other evidence turned up he might go ahead with additional charges. The chief made clear he doubted anything would emerge. "I don't, and' probably will not, have any charge as to a criminal sense" against the senator, Steele said. In a copyright story in the Worcester Gazette Miss Esther Newburg, 25, said that she and the four other women at the party not know about the accident until morning.

She was also quoted as saying that "I can't believe that any of the men knew about it either, because the few times I saw them during the night they were perfectly calm, and. I can't believe that they would be calm if they knew about it." 1. Miss Newburg said that the Nantucket Sound I lodes 111 liston By The Associated Press Today is Thursday, July 24, the 205th day of 1800. There are 160 days left in the year. In 1957, Pope Paul flew to young women learned about the Turkey for the first papal visit accident from Joseph F.

Gargan to that country in more than Kennedy's first cousin and a 12 close' political and personal friend, he was driving them Ten years ago Viceto the ferry. Soviet President Premier Richard M. Nixon and Nikita KhrushThe owners of' the chev debated the pros and cons have indicated that "not much of Communism and capitalism of a party" went on judging at a U.S. exhibition in Moscow. from the amount of "debris" left behind.

Five years ago. United Mr. Lawrence and of Mrs. Scarsdale, Sidney N. K.

to for States an neutralize rejected international a Indochina. French conference call visited the cottage Sunday which they had rented for the One year ago The U. eight previous days to Gargan. House of Representatives They said that it i. was passed a bill curbing interstate: customary, to inspect the cot- mail order sales of guns.

tage after a rental party had moved out. Today's birthdays: Former They were not aware of the head of the U.S. food and drug accident or that their cottage administration Frances O. had been involved until they Kelsey is. 55; theatrical arrived on the island last producer Alexander.

H. Cohen is Saturday. 1 1: 3 49. Mrs. Lawrence said "there Thought for today: One may was no sign of disorder.

There live as a conqueror, a king or were some cigaret butts the magistrate, but he must die ashtrays and a few co*ke bottles las a man "Daniel Webster, but there was no sign: of American lawyer and statesman liquor." 1782-1852. Today's highlight in history: On this date in 1946, the first underwater test of the atomic bomb was made by the United States off Bikini Atoll. On this date: In 1704, the British captured Gibraltar during the war of the Spanish. succession. Ir.

1870, the first railroad car from the Pacific coast reached New York City. In 1929, President Herbert Hoover proclaimed the Kellogg Briand Pact. which renounced war as an instrument of national policy. In 1942, during World War British bombers heavily damaged the German cities of Frankfurt and Mannheim. In 1948, a Progressive Party Mational convention in Philadelphia nominated Henry Wallace for president.

Continued From Page 1 "no legally held responsible for In not reporting accident within reasonable "timec after being news told about it by Kennedy. Dukes County prosecutor body Steele said a problem arises aid because the charge against Kennedy. is a misdemeanor and and there is no such crime as being right accessory to a misdemeanor. Kennedy stated that following repeated unsuccessful attempts rescue Miss Kopechne he was walked around "in a daze" and or later fell asleep in the back seat was a car at the cottage. The police chief said later State Kennedy would have to prove a.

where he was between 1 a. m. and 9 a. state the senator's political future, including any hopes for the: Presidency he might have, him, possibly marred to a degree by the tragedy, Kennedy has been cautious with public remarks. Her has made.

no statement the press about the accident of but. has been confering with staff members and friends in Hyannis Port. the There have been indications that those involved have split he into two camps on whether or not Kennedy should make any! still statement at all. 15 Questioned following the funeral of Miss Kopechne to Tuesday Kennedy said that that we was not the proper time for a W. statement hut he would make one at a later date.

r' said Richard Drayne, a press aide, said Wednesday that the question was not whether but when. He did say that he did not know if the statement would come before Monday's hearing in Edgartown. Earlier. a preliminary investigation by the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles found Kennedy at "serious fault" for the accident. His temporarily was suspended.

A police application for a complaint previously charged the 37-year-old Massachusetts Democrat with leaving the scene of an accident after caus-: ing bodily harm. The court will! decide Monday whether to'issue the complaint. Kennedy, in seclusion at his Squaw Island home in Hyannis Port. was advised his license was lifted pending a hearing. Temporary and immediate sus-1 pension of a license is required under state law in such cases, The Registry report.

said the license would be revoked for at least six months if the hearing, results in a permanent finding of "serious fault." No date was set for the hearing. The report. prepared by Registry agents on Martha's Vine-! vard but made public in Boston. said the Registry "makes a preliminary finding of fault on the part of Sen. Kennedy and, accordingly.

his driver's license: has been "If the results in a finding of no serious fault on Sen. Kennedy's part. his driver's license will be reinstated. Six Months Suspension "If the hearing confirms the preliminary finding of serious fault. the license suspensions will be changed to revocation which.

by law. must remain in 'effect for at least six the Registry said. No Leads Police Chief Dominick 1. of Edgartown said Wednesday morning there were be an of to I DOWNTOWN Burmans DAYS CLEARAWAY famous label swimsuits 1290 1990 regularly $16 to $32 .1 summer dresses regularly $16 to $60 to 1 in jewelry, sun glasses, gloves regularly $2 to $10 OFF 3 1. 4 4 panti hose reg.

$1.79 pr. 2 pr. for $3 14 handbags reg. $6 to $20 to F. pants, shorts, blouses, sweaters, shifts, tops, up 10 OFF bra shifts, skirts.

and more! regularly $4 to $26 L- Tr 2 summer hats reg. $5 to $17 $2 whimsies reg. $3 to $5 human hair pieces reg. $13.99 $7 cotton gowns, pajamas reg. $8 robes, shifts, culottes to regularly $5 to $15 famous name bras and girdles $4 to regularly $14 OFF 1: 1.

4 4.4 has Department Carl depends said. be Test Your Horse Sense ANSWERS (Questions on Page 1. Peter (Rabbit) 2. Chemist 3. Typist 4.

Backfield 5. Gilt (Hog) 6. (a) Gretchen-German (b) Olga-Russian (x) (c) Bridget Irish iz) 1d) Annette-French tv) (e) (w! 1 1 f..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

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Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.